Beesechurger Packback

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3rd POV

Steven is seen waiting by the mailbox, he is vibrating in anticipation singing a song about the package he is about to get, when the post man comes around the corner Steven jumps up in excitement.

Steven: my song came true! Do you have a package for me today?

Jamie: hold on, let me see what I've got here. Did you order a loaf of bread with a stamp on it?

Steven: no.

Jamie: did you order a jury summon for R J Finkle?

Steven: that's not me, I'm Steven!

Jamie: oh, right right right! Steven, here it is, Steven universe.

Steven: ha! This thing is gonna help me save the world!

Jamie: really? It says it's from wacky sack supply company.

Steven: Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl think I shouldn't go on magic adventures because I don't know how to use my gem powers.

Jamie: ... that seems reasonable.

Steven: but there are other ways I can help!

Jamie: with a wacky sack?

Steven: exactly!

Jamie: you know how you can save my world? Sign here please.

He then pulls out a clipboard with a pen on it.

Jamie: Barb yells at me if I don't get signatures.

Steven: that's awful!

Then there is a bright light from the beach house.

Steven: *le gasp* Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl are back!

He then takes the package and skedaddles up into the beach house.

Jamie: wait, Steven, what is a wacky sack?

Steven POV

When I entered the house I was met with quite the sight, Garnet was covered in feathers, and Amethyst was trying to shove a large egg into the fridge.

Garnet: hello Steven.

Pearl: Amethyst, we do not need that! It's not going to fit in the fridge!

Amethyst: What? I got this.

She slowly slides a tray out of the fridge, spilling a carton of milk and dropping a bag of bagels, and puts the giant egg inside.

Amethyst: Look, it fits! Ha!

She says as she slams the fridge door, as a crack is heard from the inside.

Amethyst: Oh man, We can make a big omelet, or a quiche, or big sunny side ups!

Pearl: We fought a giant bird. We're only here for a second, we've got to go back out.

Steven: What? Why?

Pearl shows me a statue she's holding.

Pearl: We have to place this Moon Goddess Statue on the top of the Lunar Sea Spire before midnight. Without it, the whole place will fall apart! Oh, Steven, you should have seen the spire in its heyday.

She projects a hologram of the Sea Spire.

Pearl: It was an oasis for Gems on Earth. It's abandoned now, but we can still save it with this statue!

Steven: Wha? That's perfect!

Pearl: What? Why?

Steven: Because I can help carry it for you, in this!

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