||Will you love me?||Hanako-kun of the opera au//

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"Have you heard?"The Manager of the new Theater is courting the Assistant Manager!"

"Really!?"I don t believe it!!"

"The Rumors we're proved to be true indeed!Would you like to hear the story?"


"Did it all really unfold like that?"said Aoi akane,the assistant Manager of the Famous Theatre of the Kamome village.The redhead currently read a book,surprised on what was happening throughout it.

Then,In the middle of the Tsundere's alone reading time,came the Manager of the Theater,Teru Minamoto.Teru Minamoto was very well known for his good looks and family's wealth.Such a gentleman he was.Although the young man was very successful in life,he did not seem to have been courting anyone yet,it seemed as if he was thinking it through...

The Blonde entered the room,a hand behind his back.His long black tap shoes making an obvious loud sound on every step he took.He then made his way to the redhead,who's nose was in the book(literally),with his short red-like hear covering the back of his head,none of his eyes visible at the moment.The Blonde then tapped on his shoulder,giving him goosebumps.

"Why,good morning aoi~^^"

The red haired boy slightly lifted his head up,still reading his book while talking.

"Why,good morning too you too manage-"The redhead who was about to turn around,was cut short in his words by the Blonde haired Manager

"A-Ah!Um,aoi,please don't look behind you!"the blonde said as a bit of sweat dripped down his cheeks,clearly worried or embarrassed of something.

"I-I have a surprise for you!So please don't look behind!"

The Redhead did an annoyed look,not much liking the idea that he was being told not to turn around,only for there to be a "surprise" for him.But,after all,what was there for him to do?


"No offense,manager,"Akane said while his eyebrows pointed downwards,clearly annoyed by this,and probably about to say an insult,

"Well,maybe a little offense"he said while smirking,"But I don't really trust your idea of a Jackass "surprise".

Akane then closed his book,stood up straight,and hugged it like a pillow,waiting for the response of the Blonde attraction.

"Oh,why,trust me!This is a pleasant surprise!Just please,keep your eyes closed..."

The Redhead did as he said,wondering what the handsome gentleman would give him.Teru then reached for the edge of his hat,taking it down into his arms.He then bent down,hat in his hand,and took his hand that was hidin away from his back.And out of it,he took some roses.

"Y'know,I've never done such an embarrassing thing"said akane,turning a bit red by his words,not knowing what to do at the moment.Teru then took a deep breath closing his eyes,and opened then again,blushing at akane.His body figure was perfect,his red hair was beautiful and so were his tiny freckles.Just the look of akane looking annoyed made him love him more than he already did,which was a wierd way to find a person attractive.

"You can turn around now~"

"FINALLY!What was the big deal for making me wait so lo-"Akane paused at his words,looking at the batch of red lovely roses in Teru's hand,pointing at him.Akane then turned a slight shade of red on his face,almost similar to his hair.

"Aoi,I would like you to be my last,I'd rather be with you and spend time with you than anyone else on this planet!So,will you be my boyfriend?"

Akane then turned a darker shade of red than his hair,which would've been impossible for a human being.The words teru had said were cycling inside Akane's head,making him very nervous on what to do.

"W-WHAT IS THIS FEELING!?I-I LIKE AO-CHAN DONT I!?I'd rather die than date this guy!Or.....would I?"

Akane's thoughts rushed through his head,not knowing what to do,he turned his head for a second.

"Should I accept him?Should  I allow him to be my boyfriend?"

"So,Aoi,what do you say??"

"I....."Akane then looked at teru in the eyes,sighed,and said his final decision.

"I will,be your boyfriend Teru!"Akane said as blushed deep red,almost talking in squeaks for the embarrassment he felt.

"OH AOI THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!I love you so much aoi!"The blonde gentleman then gropes the smaller boy into an deep embrace,kissing him on the cheek.

"I......I love you too teru"

(Akane swore he felt a tear of Teri's on his shoulder)


Word count:659

I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did writing it,honestly,Terukane is such an Underated ship,People need to appreciate it more 😭

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