Chapter Eight

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AN: While writing the third book, I realized there was an issue with the spelling of Theon's last name. It's now been updated to Lyleon (lie-lee-on) instead of Lyelon (lie lon). I think I've updated them all now...

The first thing Theon did, after a long night of reliving, reporting, and research, was to take the next morning to walk through the gardens of his home with the gardener Elena hired. The man pointed out the addition of many plants which wouldn't bloom until the next year.

Theon's grumbled, "Pity," was met by a startled look from the gardener, who began explaining the blooming schedule of the plants. He was advised that Lady Pan insisted there must always be something in blossom within sight of all windows. By the next spring, Theon's garden would always be in bloom.

But if he wanted flowers right away, he need only walk to the main house where he would be welcomed and able to walk the gardens at all hours of the day.

Pacing is what Theon did, mostly. He was on edge, he knew. So when Elena suggested a trip to the natural magic users, Theon had grunted, stopped, turned and given her a good, hard look.

He wondered what she was getting at. What sort of trouble Lady Pan was about to get herself into, having replanted his garden at the cost of the family.

"Well, Luk... may have mentioned that you used to enjoy your trips there," she said, obviously mistaking his look.


"And there are a lot of women."

He knew immediately what her angle was.

"Elena," he protested.

"And they do need to be strong willed to harness magic."

"Elena, I am not talking about sex with you!" he shouted at her. "You're my sister!"

"Oh," she said. "I mean, you never come by for tea, so I didn't know you considered me family."

"I have no time for that nonsense, and you know I don't mean the tea," Theon growled back. "Don't play your games with me. I just said you were my sister and if your children have taught me anything, that means I can throw you over my shoulder, take you out back, and throw you in a body of water!"

In the silence that came over the room, he fully expected someone to step in, to tell him to go off or for Luk to show up slapping him away.

Instead, Elena relaxed.

"You've been avoiding me, and you have that air about you," she said firmly, almost desperately. "If I thought I could have spoken up without you and him coming to blows, I would have. Now. Why not visit the natural magic users? Take the girl with you."

"Why?" he demanded. "Because you think I need to have sex?"

"Because they are women who use magic," Elena said. "Odds were she'd die awful. Didn't take a smart one to figure that, Theon. She's made it through the first year which has the highest death rate among mages. She could have an actual chance at this. So, this is me as Lady Pan telling you to take that girl to the natural magic users. Do you understand me?"

Her voice rose in the command, then lowered in the question even as it turned into a command at the same time.

"Perfectly, Lady Pan," he managed to get out.

He watched her go, in a bit of a huff but he understood she was angry. Anything angry would huff, for good reason. After she left, he went and spoke with Luk about the incident.

"Yes, and?" Luk asked.

"I don't know where to go," Theon protested. "You planned everything. What do I need, where do I go, who do I talk to?"

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