Red Velvet x Reader

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Reader goes by they/them! (Despite being a mailMAN)

Made this because of this, cause it's cute:


Y/N: "I just got one more letter to deliver!" they said to themself happily.

Y/N is usually the cookie to deliver the mail (since Chesnut Cookie isn't in kingdom yet), and others find them quite interesting.

They are a cookie with cake ears and tail, and instead of hands, they have paws, not to worry though, the cookies from the kingdom treat them nicely, some show signs of fear the first time they meet them, but they get used to them.

Today Y/N had a delivery in the darker side of the kingdom, there was only a meeting table, an abandoned slice of red velvet cake and an odly familiar scare-crow?...

Y/N: "this delivery seems to be for the abandoned cake... alright Y/N! Calm down, you'll be fine! Just deliver and go..."

?????: "who goes there?!" a voice shouted from the top of the slice of cake, startling the cake NB.

Y/N: "I-I have... a-a delivery for this place, is all..." they stuttered, 'now what the hell was that Y/N?!' They thought to themself as they froze on their spot when the tall male aproached.

Red Velvet: "ah! The package for the cakes is here" the male said practically towered over them, "i'm sorry for startling you- hey... you have cake ears and tail" he noticed.

Y/N: "here's your package sir-" they said handing over the box and avoiding the question, "mr. Red Velvet right? Just sign here"

Red Velvet: "oh! Right uhm...", he signed the paper and took the box.

Y/N: "thank you sir, have a nice day!" they said a little more confident than before, as soon as they started walking away, they heard a voice from behind.

Red Velvet: "hey! Are you perhaps a cake hybrid?" he asked, aproaching once again.

Y/N: "yes, I am- oh! You have an... interesting arm-"

Red Velvet: "well, it's a cake arm" he said lifting his cake arm and looking at it, then back down to the mailman.

Y/N: "you're like me... kind of..."

Red Velvet: "i'm Red Velvet Cookie! You?"

Y/N: "ah! My name is Y/N Cookie!"

Red Velvet: "do you have any other deliveries right now?"

Y/N: "hmm... let me check" they said checking their bag for any envelopes or packages, "no, my bag is empty, yours was the last" they answered, "why?"

Red Velvet: "mind acompanying me then? I'm heading to a cafe to eat something, it's been a long day taking care of the cakes, and we can get to know each other better. It's on me" he offered.

Y/N: "o-oh... u-uhm sure..." a light blush tainted their face, they turned around trying to avoid him seeing it, "well then, let's go Red Velvet"

Red Velvet: "let me put my package away first, i'll be back"

Y/N: "r-right!"


Y/N: "I see... so... you're living here in the kingdom to take care of the cakes without having to deal with making several batches of them only to have them battle and die..."

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