The Arrival

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They have finally woke up. Blinking to get their vision back. When the blue disappeared, they noticed that they were in a room. Or a theater. They looked around and noticed that they were not alone.

They see the Pros getting up from their consciousness. "What the-" Mic began to say as he examined the place they were in. As to everyone else, they were helping the others get up.

"Okay, what happened?" Aizawa said as he shook his head from the dizziness that soon started to fade from his sight. The rest of them were asking the same question he asked. But then soon seen their enemy from across the theater. "Villains!!!" Iida screamed and caught them off guard as they were recovering from the same dizziness they had. "Oh my god, will you shut the fuck up screaming? God I got a major headache..." A girl with a spikey like puffball said as she rubbed her head to ease the pain. The villains did the same thing. "What you doing here?" Kaminari asked. "We came to steal these nice looking theater chairs..." Dabi said... Dramatically feeling on them as if they were actually gonna steal them. "For real!?" Kaminari screamed. All of his classmates, including the pros, face palmed internally. "NO WE'RE ARE HERE FOR THE SAME REASON YOU ARE HERE NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" The puffball screamed annoyingly. She growled as the pain of her headache increased ridiculously. It hurted hella bad but she wasn't gonna show it.

Toga grabbed her and guided her to one of the front row chairs and sat her down. "Nahka are you okay?" Toga said as she kneeled in front of her to get a look at her at her facial expressions to see if she could read anything. But if you know Nahkatsi? She doesn't show pain... "I'm fine. That portal we went through just fuck with my head..." Nahkatsi replied to Toga as she rubbed her forehead in a stressful gesture. Class 1a were still confused but kept quiet to not piss of the puffball villain in front of them.

15 minutes later...

The villains and heroes made an agreement to stay on two different sides. It has been fifteen minutes and they are still stranded in a theater. Bakugou was about to say something till he heard footsteps, but not only him who heard it though.

"Hello everyone. My name is Evanie But you can call me Ei." I girl said as she walked to the front to make sure everybody can see her. She had on black sweat suit and a glow-in-the-dark Vemon mask. Which glows the color of blue. All of the teachers stood up to defend the young ones, even Dabi and Kurogiri stood up. "What do you want and why are we here?" Hawks growled as his feathers started to flicker for intimidation. Which clearly didn't affect the unknow being in front if them. "Chill out. I mean no harm. I only want you here to react to stuff and you will react to stuff. Your quirks have been cancelled in this premises. So that way you don't destroy each other or/and any of my things. If smeone tries to attack one another, I'll handle them." Evanie said as she turns her head to the two hotheads in the room. The ash blonde and brown head roll their eyes and looks elsewhere. "Is that clear?" She asked waiting for everyones response. Some answered with words and some nodded therir heads.

Evanie claps and rub her hands together. "Now let's take a seat-" She said as she snapped her fingers together which out everybody in a seat. She mixed everyone in together so some people don't like where they sit or who they sit by, but Evanie just needed some entertainment and some suffering in this room. "And let's get started" She said as she went to her controls to work the screen.

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Sorry that I haven't been posting lately. I was caught up in exams and homework.

Feels like I already failed some of my exams😞 But I'll do better next time.

Hopefully this chapter will get you through while I start making Reaction 1.

Oh and I'll be making a new story called "The Unexpected" the story more about Sero and Suri Nahkatsi, the OC villain. (Which is me😁) But hopefully you'll like it once I post it.

I'll also be continuing some of my stories from my two other acc!! Other then that, enjoyyyy!!!

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