❤ - Dance with the Devil.

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Ships: Clownzy

Type: ❤

Characters: Branzy, Clown, Rekrap2 ( mentioned ) And The purple duo ( Subz is only mentioned )


Branzy and Clown... Are not really the " Friendliest " Duo on lifesteal besides that they've been quiet. And that isn't good. That literally means they're planning something bad. And when it comes to them it's really bad. Branzy is incredibly skilled in making traps and builds heck! He trap PrinceZam, Vitalasy, Le0wok and Spepticle in one trap! ( The Funhouse ) and Clown. Do I even have to explain him? He won a 4 vs 1 ( In season 2 ), Survive Deadly traps Multiple times. And the both of them did something unforgettable. They f*cking Scam the entire server with a rig casino. Stealing 20 hearts..

Ever since that day it was it. The entire server was after them ( except Clown and Branzy's teammates ) but now they're quiet which means chaos and havoc is about to break lose. And it did. Well in a way they didn't expect tho. It all started when Vitalasy was looking for Branzy this Morning he searched at Spawn, the Funhouse, the Caves and Heck! He searched everywhere! But there were no signs of Branzy anywhere! He knew it was bad. Especially with him partnering with Clown now.. He got more desperate in finding Branzy now He decided to check The Funhouse one last time now and he noticed a Lever. Everyone on lifesteal knows the risk when pulling a lever.

Your life is on the edge of life and death.

This Lever could either be a trap full of tnt Minecarts Or something else.

Should He take the risk?

Vitalasy Took a deep breath and close his eyes. He. Pulled. The lever. But to his suprise he found something more surprising than a Death trap it was- beautiful.


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What he saw btw

He quickly grab his communicator and ping Rek and Subz saying " Guys. I think I found Branzy. " After sending his cords and message he heard foot steps. F*ck. He hid behind the curtains then... Music starts playing? Huh? It was hard to see with all these dim lights and black area but he swear he caught a glimpse of a Clown mask. He immediately knew who it was. None other than the deadliest Assasin. He heard him hum around that ballro- wait what even is that room? Well he just calls it Ballroom now. He then saw Branzy. Wtf. He then sees the both of them... DANCING?!

The music

And they. Dance. Very gracefully. WAIT NO HE CAN'T BE DISTRACTED. FOCU-

Nvm. He can't. And he can't come out either. The only way was. Through them. There was no f*cking way he would win 2 vs 1 and Clown? Heck he rather betray Subz than Fighting him. Just Not again. But what if.. He tries to make a truce with them? Well maybe that could work? Somehow? Well his friends with Branzy's Bestfriend? ( Rekrap ) Well doesn't look like he has a choice now.

" Hey! Branzy! " He said will all the courage he could gather. " You. " Clown spoke " Oh Vitalasy. " Branzy greeted " Nice dancing! " At this point he knew his legs and arms were both shaking out of pure fear. " Hehehe.. Didn't expect to see you here! " Branzy said while positioning himself properly " Now. " Clown said as he grabs his scythe from his back " How long have you been hiding there. " Clown said in a threatening voice " CHILL! I WANNA MAKE A TRUCE! " Vitalasy screamed " Clown I don't think it's worth it, we already stole a heart from him it's fine but if he tries something. I'll be the one who gives tnt. " Vitalasy didn't really like the finishing end but he lived anyway.

For now.

- Fin -

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