Chapter 3- Where Is He?

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Fell left immediately. Frisk never got to give him that tour around the facility. He never even bothered to go home and change his ruined shirt. He wouldn't be going home with Pap. Red knew his brother was going to be mad about him leaving. Fell made sure Frisk could let his bro know in his place.

He would try to be back for dinner but honestly Fell was more worried about Classic than anything else. He hadn't sensed anything from Sans' soul in an entire year. Why hadn't he noticed it? Sans was mad with him, wasn't he? Fell forgot to make time to visit. Classic wasn't going to be the only one mad by Fell's surprise visit. No doubt Sans' brother would chew him out too.

Fell knew he deserved it though. He made a promise. He'd made several. Now, they were most definitely broken. Red couldn't even imagine the stress he had put his soulmate through. Fell asked Classic to wait and then left him there like some ignorant numbskull FOR TWO WHOLE YEARS!

Fell fought the urge to cry. He would have to reason with Sans, but Red also had to accept that his soulmate most likely didn't want him anymore. Then again, it was Classic who stopped sending text messages first.

Fell's thoughts were scattered, switching from one anxiety to another. Next, he became even more paranoid of Classic's well-being. Was he okay? Did something happen while he was away? His Papyrus had Fell's contact information too. Wouldn't Papyrus of sent him a text, especially after the first few months of no contact? At least to remind him? Surely, both of the bros must've had a reason for going silent like that.

Fell opened up his own shortcut to Undertale. He was going over to find out himself.


The world had grown much colder than he remembered. Although, maybe he was just used to the warmer weather up on the surface. There was no sun here in the underground after all. Fell was still rushing, but he was easily distracted by all the nostalgia.

Two years. It felt a lot longer now that he was back. Where was everyone though? He was approaching Snowdin's borders, but not a sound could be heard. Was everyone inside today? No, the air felt different. There wasn't any trace of magic. Or, could they have possibly moved to the surface as well? Classic did mention that their Frisk had returned.

If that was the case, maybe Fell could just go. Sans was probably living his own life just as Red had done. He shouldn't make things even more complicated.

Fell suddenly stopped, seeing scattered objects littered in the snow. Each and every one, whether it was a toy or piece of clothing, was covered in dust.....

Fell froze. His soul felt like it dropped to the floor. This wasn't a pacifist route. Things suddenly made sense. He couldn't sense Sans' soul because-

"SANS!" Fell screamed out while running into town. He ran faster than he ever had in his entire life. Fell didn't care. He didn't care about the burning sensation in his chest or the aggravating soaked shirt stuck to his ribs. He needed to find Sans. That was all that mattered.

As he ran, he found more piles of memorabilia and dust. Being from a violent au, seeing dust wasn't new to him. In fact, most monsters in Underfell would pass dust as if it were nothing. Red knew the feeling was different with the player's genocides though. The dust was everywhere. There's no one left. Red screamed even louder. Red was pleading that if there was a god, and if they were paying attention to his pathetic life for OncE, that Sans would be preserved alive somehow.

He made it to the brothers' house. Breathing heavily, he lingered in front of the porch. This was the last place he saw him. The last place he saw Sans and his smile. Just like the rest of the town, no sound came from the house. The only sounds came from the howls of the harsh wind. Red shuddered and tightly hugged his arms around himself as it bitterly blew against his side. The next thing he felt was a sharp object slashing into his back.

"GCK- HECK!" Fell yelled in pain and used a shortcut as soon as possible, appearing on the porch and slamming into the front door. At least it put some space between him and the attacker. Fell felt his HP drain quickly. He hoped it was only a scratch, but it surely didn't feel like it. His spine was cracked for sure, maybe a few ribs too. Blood was already seeping through his shirt. Fell shuddered at the sick feeling. The thick liquid was now trickling down his spine. This wasn't good.

The initial attack was a reminder. He knew the feeling. He already had the scar across his chest to prove it. The weapon was a knife for sure. Was the kid still freaking here?! Fell didn't even hear them approach, especially from behind.

"I had him, Pap. Why'd you scream like that?" A familiar voice spoke up, making Fell gasp in surprise. He turned around. It was Sans.

He was different though. A lot different. His once cyan eyes were now surrounded by rings of red and purple, glowing brightly under the darkness of his hood. His expression in itself was fierce and cold, annoyed as he talked to the empty space beside him. In his soulmate's hand was a knife dripping with Fell's blood.

Fell began to tremble. It was Sans who attacked him? His mind was trying to sort everything out. Even worse, his HP kept steadily decreasing. WhAt aMouNt of LV diD Sans hAve?! Red's breathing became shaky as he collapsed to the porch floor, his back against the door.

Sans simply rolled his eyes. Afterwards, he readjusted his grip on the knife and stepped closer. "Hey, don't get your blood all over my house. I'm too lazy to clean it up." He said with a growl. Fell replied in a hurry, "S-Sans, it's m-me.."

A knife was quickly held to his neck as his previous soulmate bent down to his level. Sans' eyes were laced with rage as he hissed, "Shut up. It's Murder or Dust now. Doesn't matter since those will be the last two things you'll experience once I end your pathetic life."


Who did this guy think he was showing up here? Did he have a death wish? He looked familiar, but Dust wasn't sure. He only remembered fragments of his past life. It was easily covered over by all the constant genocide and trauma he had experienced.

"BROTHER! YOu HeARd Me! YOU CAN'T KILL HIM!!!" Phantom screeched. His bro's behavior was crazy unusual today. Dust peered away from the trembling figure in front of him and looked to his brother with a glare. "Why not? You know we can't pass an opportunity like this, Paps. We need more LV-" "AND WE WILL GET THAT, SANS! B-BUT.. NOT FROM HIM.." Phantom urged, his gloved hands firmly grabbing onto Dust's sleeves.

"I-I DON'T KNOW WHY.. JUST.. D-D-DON'T KILL HIM YET.. PLEASE.." Dust took a moment of silence to take his brother's request into consideration. Why this guy?

The Sans with red eyes and a gold fang struggled to breathe while clutching to his chest. His body slumped all of a sudden. The glow of strange Sans' pupils grew dimmer. He's dying.

Dust suddenly remembered a firm fact. If this guy was a Sans like him, without the help from determination or LV, it most likely meant that he had 1 HP. "Crap-" Dust snarled, hurriedly taking the dying Sans into his arms. If his HP had been depleting this entire time, he wouldn't have much time left if Dust didn't get something to heal him with.

Yes, it would be a pain. A waste of time and resources, surely. But if Phantom was really willing to put up a fight for this stranger...

Dust needed to find out who he was and why...

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