Chapter 1

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As the sun shines through the windows you begin to stir awake. As you slowly opens your eyes, groaning at the pounding in your head, you remove the arm that is wrapped round your body and slowly rise from the sofa. Looking round there's a mixture of half naked people laying round the apartment.

"Good morning sunshine" Lucifer loudly greets as you walk to the bar.

"Err Luci not so loud. What time is it?" You groan eyes half shut hand holding your head.

"1pm don't worry I've been out and got your favourite caramel latte with double shot of coffee thought you would need it after last night" Lucifer hands you your coffee cup.

You bring the cup to your mouth the smell of coffee and caramel hitting your nostrils bringing you slowly to your senses.
"This is why your my favourite" you kiss his cheek before noticing your favourite donuts also on the bar.

You grab one instantly stuffing it in your month and practically moaning as the chocolate filling oozes out.
"I thought I was your favourite" a voice comes from behind you.

"You're my other favourite Maze but Lucifer brought me coffee and donuts we both know that's one way to me heart, you both know the other" you wink at her before taking another sip of coffee.

"Right guys time to leave" Lucifer shouts as he starts to wake party goers spread around his apartment.

"Enough with the shouting already" you groan sliding yourself back on the couch. You don't remember much of what happened last night but from the looks of Lucifers penthouse it was just a just a typical Thursday night.

You have spent many nights up here partying to all hours of the morning sometimes even for days on end and getting up to many many things. You've been friends with Lucifer and Maze from pretty much the first week you moved to LA.

"Call me" a guy said slipping you his number before he joined the others leaving. From the looks of him you would definitely be calling him.

"Luci how about that Italian place I love for dinner tonight to celebrate 5 years of knowing each other" you say noticing the date on your phone.

"Sounds good to me. Maze?" Lucifer asks
"I'm in" Maze responds.

"No getting us kicked out of the place though Maze as I really like it there" you laugh recalling being evicted from the last restaurant because Maze threatened to stab the wait staff for getting your order wrong.

"Fine I will try and behave" Maze rolls her eyes
"Anyway I'm off to shower last night off me" you head towards Lucifers shower but stopping and turning round
"Anyone wanna join?" You smirk before dropping the shirt that was covering you up revealing your naked body.
"Thought you would never ask" Lucifer strips himself as he makes his way to you.
"I'm good this time you guys continue" Maze adds

You enter the shower Lucifer pinning you up against the wall, turning the shower on the cold water instantly waking you up. He pins your hands above your head as his lips attach to your neck, making their way down your body. He attaches to your nipple sucking and flicking with his tongue drawing a moan out from you. His lips continue down until he reaches your inner thighs. Teasing he kisses either side before slowly making his way to your already wet pussy. He flicks your clit with his tongue, causing you to jolt. He pushes your legs further apart and starts lapping at your folds, dipping his tongue in and out. You let your arms down and grab his hair pushing him more into you. His hand goes to work your clit while his tongue continues to lick your juices.

You feel the knot in your stomach grow
"Cum on the devils face Mia" Lucifer says as he works your clit feeling you tense signally your close.
"Oh Luci" you pant and a few seconds later your orgasm hits you and Lucifer laps up everything you give him as if it was his meal.

Before you have even recovered Lucifer picks you up and lowers you onto himself. You knew this was gonna be a quickie from the pace that Lucifer was thrusting his hips. His hands gripping your waist definitely going to leave a mark.
You start bouncing to meet Lucifers thrusts, your boobs bouncing and Lucifer takes one on his mouth earning a loud moan from you.

"Fuck Luci" you breathe out as you feel the knot growing in your stomach. Feeling you squeeze around him Lucifer picks up the pace. Hitting the right spot you feel yourself cum for the second time followed by Lucifer releasing himself inside you.
"Well I will never get bored of showering with you" you breathe as you try and come down from your high. 
"And I with you" Lucifer responds slowing pulling out and placing you back on your feet, catching you when you wobble. He laughs.
"What between that and last night I pretty much ran an marathon, not all of us are celestials who recover quickly" you slap his naked chest.

"Come on let's actually get cleaned up and you can rest some more before tonight" he says taking the loofah and rubbing it over your naked body. You relax into him.
After your love life crashed and burned your relationship with Lucifer has turned into friends with benefits and trust me the benefits were definitely worth it. But you both said if either one of you gets into relationship the benefits would stop and you would remain friends.

He carries you out the shower and dries you off before laying you down to rest. Kissing your forehead before walking off.

"Right keep an on her and I will be back gotta go visit Linda and then collect the dress I brought her for tonight" Lucifer says grabbing his suit jacket.

"She's really one of the best things to happen to us since coming out of hell isn't she" Maze says
"Yeah she really is. The fact she accepted who we were with no question is truly astonishing" he says before stepping into the elevator. He reflects on how he showed you his devil face and Maze showed her demon face and you didn't even flinch but just smiled and said "wow my best friends are more badass then I thought, would hate to anyone who tries and hurts me"

You awake from your nap to find a box laying at the bottom of the bed with a note.
"For tonight"
You open the dress and find the most gorgeous black silk dress. Being friends with Lucifer definitely has plenty of perks.

You suddenly then notice the setup in the lounge, a table with 3 seats set up.
"Luci?" You ask looking round.

"Good your awake, get dressed dinner will be ready in 30 mins" Luci adds shuffling you into the bedroom.
"But I thought we were going to my favourite Italian" you question raising an eyebrow at him.
"I'm bringing the restaurant to you, I've ordered all your favourites, now go get dressed" he smiles in response.

He truly was the best friend a girl could ask for. Did moments like this make you question if it could lead to more, sure they did but you never wanted to risk what you have. You're just friends you remind yourself, but Lucifer does make the bar for guys pretty high.
You, Maze and Lucifer were the three musketeers and you never wanted to lose that relationship. They were in a weird way your family.
Who knew when you moved to LA you would end up with the Devil and a demon but you wouldn't change it for the world.

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