Little extra before pictures

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Hello! So, here's some information before the pictures. Please read this.

One of the reasons why this is now on here is because.. well.. It's rats- They're cute- Second is to honor one of my rats who has sadly passed. You'll find out why at the end exactly HOW she had passed.

My absolute favorite is the one titled "Got any C H E E M Z E?" -Yeftobers.

My pet rats names are Breakfast, Leftovers, Gravy and Sketties. Their nicknames are Breppus, Yeftobers, Dumbo, and Skebbies or Skebbs. 

Breakfast is the one with nothing absolutely noticeable about her, but she's the first one we got. She was supposed to be snakefood, but the snake would not eat her, my mother and I grew attached, so we got to keep her. My mother did some research and found out rats are social, and can LITERALLY DIE of loneliness. 

That's how we got Leftovers. Leftovers is the chunkiest of all of them, and actually dominated them all for a few weeks.

Now, this one was also supposed to be snakefood but... we got Gravy because my mother got attached to her because of her ears, y'know, being on the side of her head and all, she looked cute. So my dad let us keep her aswell. 

Sketties, the final rat, was ALSO snakefood, and I immediately fell IN LOVE with her because of her beautiful red eyes. My mom thought the glow they did when it was pretty dark with a little light in the area she was looking was creepy, but since I have.. uhm.. ISSUES... going on in my life, and have for a few months, my dad let us keep her because I fell in love with her.

However, I can no longer get pictures of Skebbs because she has passed away. She was an albino rat. I think she lived a pretty good life considering the fact that when we were burying her, the box was relatively heavy.  She was a pretty chunky girl. (It's perfectly normal, they're all chumby, it's actually better that they're a little heavy, that way you know they're not underfed.) She lived a pretty spoiled life in a 5'4 tall cage, with 2 sections, 4 platforms, several toys and snacks, aswell as friends. (A picture of the cage will be on the next "page" (?) Trying to get her out of where she died was a struggle because I'm not even 5' tall. And she was on the top layer of a hammock they have in there.)

Now, the reason why she passed away is because albinos tend to have more heart problems than dumbo and normal rats, so her passing away much earlier than the others is completely normal.  It still hurts.. A lot... But she didn't feel any pain because she had passed in her sleep.

How I found her dead is the only funny part of the whole dying thing... I had gotten a bowl of goldfish and didn't eat them all, so I gave some to my dogs, and was going to give some to the rats. Now, we get their attention by clicking our tongue, like how you call a cat instead of using the pspspsps thing. She's normally the first to the door when I do that and have food. I didn't think much of it and just thought she'd hear the crunching from the other rats eating. I give each of the other 3 rats 2 pieces of goldfish each since it's like, the size of their heads. After looking around for her under the fleece (Where she normally sleeps, if she's not sleeping in the sputnik with the other rats). I look up to the hammock to see her eyes are black, and her head is hanging over the side, mouth wide open. I push the bottom of the layer she's sleeping on (there were three, and I reached under the layer she was on) and pushed up. No reaction. My mom, sitting on the couch behind me, watching tv, falling asleep, suddenly hears a small voice say "Skebbie dead." Just those 2 words. Here's how the whole conversation went:

('I' will be me (Stands for the beginning letter of my username) 'M' will stand for mom)

-Pushy hammock-

I: "... Skebbie dead."

M: "What?"

I: "I think Sketties is dead. She isn't moving at all.. And her mouth is wide open. I don't think they sleep like that..."

M: "Oh, oh dear... Uh, yeah no, they definitely do NOT sleep like that." -Mother gets up and walks over to the cage-

M: "Uh, grab a box, she is in fact dead.." 

-I grab a box and my mom puts her in it, and puts it on a shelf so my dog doesn't try to eat the box- (My dog has an obsession with rats and trying to fight them through their cage doors only to lose)

After a few hours, my dad comes home only to be greeted with a hefty box. He opens it, sees the rat and immediately looks for a shovel. We buried her next to our lilac bushes. She has been dead for 2 days. In a week on the 24th, it will be her birthday. I don't even know why I'm telling y'all this, but my plan for her birthday is to sit outside, whether it's snowing or not, right in front of where she was buried, and place her favorite snack on her burial spot. I also plan to sing her happy birthday. I just think it would be nice. She would be turning a year old.

Anyways, Pictures on the next "page"! 

Rat. Rat. Chumby rat. (Times 4)Where stories live. Discover now