Ch. 1 Uprooted

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Erik Stevens, is a eight year old boy living in Oakland, California

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Erik Stevens, is a eight year old boy living in Oakland, California. His mom has been gone since he was just a tot. Pop's presence is enough for him. Taking him to school on time, and teaching him how to hoop. Pop's is also an active member of the black panther party. Pop's best friend is Uncle James. He comes around a lot.

Erik likes Uncle James, always sneaking him some candy and stuffing crisp notes into his pockets. Erik sees them in the apartment, always discussing plans for the movement. He seen his daddy hide straps in the wall. Amerika is a dangerous place for a black man and when trouble comes knocking it's better to be ready.

One night during a black panther rally a shoot out occurs and Njobu has been hit. He doesn't make it. Uncle James rushes to grab Erik, they get on the first plane out of there.

"Uncle James, is something wrong? Where is Pop's?" Erik asks all worried
"Erik, I ran into some trouble. We have to lay low. I stashed your daddy somewhere real good. Let me get you to safety first." Erik takes Uncle James word.
The minute Uncle James arrives in Wakanda he requests to be intercepted by the King immediately. He is taken by the bodyguards to the palace.

Once he enters King T,'chaka's study room he bows. Erik is still by his side. Once the guards leave the room T'chaka grabs him into a bear hug.

"Zuri.. it's been too long."
"King T'chaka..I am glad to see that you are well."
"Is this Njobu's boy?"
"Yes, this is Erik Njadaka Stevens." Zuri introduces.

Uncle James asks him to say hi. He mumbles a meek greeting and shyly presses himself into Zuri's side.
King T'chaka asks one of the palace staff Aneka to take Erik out for some refreshments.
Once they are left alone Zuri pours them both some liquor.
"Where is Prince Njobu? Into the frying pan again? I see him in the news sometimes troubling the colonizers. Always stirring the pot. Eh?" King T'chaka gives a hearty laugh.
"King T'chaka.... Prince dead." Zuri informs him nervously.T'chaka's face falls, he is overcome with grief. Zuri gives him some time to compose himself.

After a few moments Zuri takes a knee,

"King T'chaka, during my stay in Oakland.I have come to care for the boy as if he were almost my own.Please promise me that you will always look out for him."
"I promise." King T'chaka swears.

Back in Erik's new apartment everything reminds him that he is a foreigner. They speak in a strange tongue, wear strange clothes, the architecture is unlike anything he's ever seen. Aneka has given him a bath, changed him into a white silk robe with golden embroidery. He doesn't get any of it. He knows no one here and he misses his pops. They should be doing this together.

 They should be doing this together

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Aneka takes him to the garden. There he meets Queen Ramonda, T'challa and baby Shuri. The queen seems nice. Erik takes interest in T'challa a boy who looks almost his age. The adults leave and let them be.

"Prince Njadaka welcome to Wakanda." T'challa bows.
"What's your name?" Erik asks
" T'challa Udaku of the Golden Panther Tribe." He says proudly.
"Tribe? Wassat supposed to be?"
"A bunch of people who share the same culture and language."
"I ain't know about all that. I'm waiting on my pop's to come and get me."

Erik is dumb founded to find out that there is no Atari, Nintendo or basketball hoop here in Wakanda. He doesn't know how else to pass time. T'challa's company will have to do for now.

The palace garden is beautiful and large, T'challa keeps Erik preoccupied showing him different plants, flowers and trees, calling each by name. Animals casually walk in and out of the garden. Erik sees a monkey swing by the tree branches. A cute baby elephant 🐘 passes by. T'challa warns him not to pet it, not to risk being trampled by the mother.

During dinner Ramonda and T'chaka watch them bond over food. T'challa is showing Erik how to eat their cuisine.
"Like this." He demonstrates pinching a piece of the chapati and dipping it into the beef stew. The food is very flavourful and tasty. After dinner he retires to his quarters.

After a night of barely any sleep, Uncle James comes to Erik's apartment.
"Erik, I've gone to get your daddy. Please be a good boy while I'm gone." Zuri pats his head and leaves.
T'challa keeps Erik preoccupied. They explore the market, ride on the hoover bikes and visit the panther mound. Erik likes T'challa. He never gets angry or impatient with him when he is lacking.

After a few days, T'chaka and Zuri land back in Wakanda with pop's in a box. Erik is crushed, he cries for his dad. At the funeral T'challa never leaves Erik's side, he clasps his hand very tight and never let's go.Erik stays holed up in his room grieving the loss of his dad. Sometimes Aunty and Uncle James visit to check on him.

Erik is fascinated by the kimoyo beads. He can see a hologram of T'challa's face as they talk. Erik has trouble sleeping. He asks him to come over for a sleepover. This becomes their tradition.

It's been some months since Prince Njobu left them. King T'chaka sees Erik and his son run around the palace halls. At times he spots them in the gardens when he looks out his window. He watches them during meals, they already developed their own sign language .He is glad that Erik is bonding with T'challa. He hopes that he can one day feel safe and secure enough to call Wakanda home.

 He hopes that he can one day feel safe and secure enough to call Wakanda home

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