Gotta catch that booty

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"My ovaries!" I yelled just to get Chris annoyed as Ricky was trying on a shirt. "I guess I'll take that as you like it?" Ricky questioned going back into the dressers as I smiled. Chris just shook his head muttering something under his breath."Que??" I questioned him in such a Mexican voice it made him laugh. (Please don't get offended or think I'm a racist bastard because I'm Mexican, sorta my grandparents are Mexican and all that other jazz. )

"Stop that." He complained as I kept staring at him. See these are ways to annoy Chris. I made a face at him as I looked away and took a sip of my Starbucks tea. My hands are freezing.

"Let us go to Urban I need new jeans." I told the guys as Chris backed out along with Vinny. Ricky, Balz, and Ghost were the only one's who wanted to go. Ryan was hanging out with his girlfriend ignoring his goth peeps. Whatajerk.

As we walked into the store I walked to the back where they had their jeans. I chose a black one and two pairs of black shorts one which was high waisted. "I need to try these on." I said to Ricky as I tipped toed to peck his lips and quickly disappeared beyond the dressers.

Since I've gained a bit of weight I'm no longer a 0 but a 1/2. Quite exciting. I changed back into my jeans and slipped on my shoes. I mean the shorts fit loose in the waist area but my hips are just right. I walked out of the dressers and walked back to the guys who were taking a picture with a girl who was holding a flamingo thing for the yard. I had a questioning look but didn't say anything until they finished.

"Gotta catch that booty." I whispered to Ricky as we walked out of Urban. I poked his butt smiling as he looked down at me and stuck his tongue out at me. "I touched the butt." I said sticking my tongue out in return.

"I should buy Sabrina something for her birthday." I said abruptly as I pulled Ricky towards a random clothes store which I quickly walked out of because it seemed too girly. Not like her. We walked back to Target and I bought her two $25 dollar gift cards. "Is that enough?" I questioned my choices and nodded. Sure it was. I hope.

Back at the bus---

"Remember when you tried on my shorts and a plaid shirt of mine?" I asked Chris as he nodded laughing at the memory. "Oh yea! I tried on your clothes too!" Balz said excitedly as I laughed and nodded. "I mean we obviously didn't fit but your oversized flannels were nice." Chris said "That was something because I just got back from school and I just see you two in my clothes dancing to Genesis by Grimes. Very erotic." I said rolling my eyes as Sabrina laughed along with Allie. "Oh gosh that's gold." Sabrina said as I smiled "It's fried into my brain and it is such a nice mental picture. Fetus Balz and Chris. Priceless." I said getting up from the couch and walked to my bunk and grabbed my phone .

"I'm hungry!!" I groaned as I had my legs propped up on the arm of the couch and my upper body leaning against Ricky's shoulder. "What do you want?" Questioned Allie as she got up from her spot next to Ryan. "Mmmhhh do we have any strawberries?" I asked sitting in an upright position. "Erm...yea" Allie responded getting a small bowl and the box of strawberries. She washed some and put them in the bowl placing the box back inside the refrigerator. "Thank you!" I said happily as she handed me the bowl.

I received a text from Felony saying that she'll be on the tour tomorrow. I quickly replied with a selfie of me making a derp face saying "Aaawwwe yhe". We texted until her plane landed at New York. I said goodnight and plugged my phone into the charger.

I got up from my bunk checking the time. It's only 6 pm. Not bad. I grabbed a change of clothes and walked to the shower. I quickly washed my body which ached and I have no idea why. I don't even exercise why do I hurt??

I slipped on my underwear and bra seeing my scars. My fingers glided across the white lines and disgusting words on my hips and upper thighs. I bit my lip and quickly put on my PJs. I opened the door and almost collided with Allie. "Oh geez I'm sorry." I said quickly as she shook her head "No I was about to knock but you came out. It's alright I swear." She said waving her hand to dismiss my apology. "Umm sorry again." I said walking to the front of the bus.

My wet hair clung to the side of my face and neck. I looked for a hair tie and wrapped it around my hair to make a high bun. The rest of the guys where on the couch looking through fans letters and drawing.


Getting up from the table area thing I sat on the floor in front of the fridge. I looked for food because my tummy is like an endless abyss. I'm like one of those vegetarians that don't eat meat but eats eggs and dairy products. Lacto-ovo vegetarian, I guess, is what I am.

I sat back down on the couch with a yogurt in my hand as I skimmed through Tumblr. I yawned heavily and sat on the couch for a while before getting up. I threw away the remains of the yogurt and plugged my phone into the charger.

"I'm tired," I said yawning again as Ricky made room for me. "Go to sleep, babe." He said as I grabbed the blanket and covered myself.

A/N: WOOHOO ANOTHER CRAPPY UPDATE IS HERE!! I hope you guys don't kill me but seriously I just want to be over with school. I'm so tired everyday and then I have homework god dammit. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy. Comment below when you get out! I get out in three weeks. So exciting. Sorry for that long ass thing that I put about the whole Mexican shit. Like seriously I live deep in Texas on the little tip ,so I'm pretty close to the border. Sorry for that summary about my life as well. Ugh. I keep rambling. Fuck me over man.

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