Chapter 2: Illegitimate Daughter

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"Sometimes love is found in all the wrong places"


I walked into the silent eerie small house which I lived with my mother, I had grown use to the silence. I walked further into the house which was more like an damaged shed, with cracks and water leaking through it and buckets of tubs below it.

"Mama." I called out as I entered the living room, dropping my bag on to the sofa. The further I walked towards my mothers room, the more audible her low weeping could be heard. I instantly knew father had visited. My palms fisted into a ball, anger fuming inside of me.

But I was not sure if my anger was towards my father for abandoning us or my mother who willingly slept and fell in love with a married man, it was as if she walked into a doomed life. She was only eighteen when she got pregnant with me, my father; Jacob Dorson had made it clear he was not going to leave his wife leaving her alone with a monthly cheque to fend for me.

I pushed her bedroom door open, the loud creaking of the door alerted her of my presence. She lifted her head with her red puffy eyes with her cheeks stained with tears, her lips curved into a frown as she stared at me in pain.

"I am such a disappointment, i have let myself down and I have let you down." She said through her croaky voice, it sounded as a lump had settled into her throat. She knew me if anyone found out I was an illegitimate child I would face the wrath of the society.

"I'll prepare us food, freshen up mama." I said not wanting to converse further in this topic, I turned around making my way towards the kitchen before I placed my hands on the kitchen counter and Let out a sigh.
I shook my head, grabbing a pan before I approached the sink, turning the tap only to frown when no water flowed out.

"Mama did you pay the bills for the water?" I asked whilst yelling in hopes she could hear me from her room, I heard shuffling and I could only assume she was making her way to the kitchen.
"I ran short in money." She said making me gasp turning around, I knew father had given her money to pay the bills so it was no way she could have ran short in money.

"You gave money to Aunt Jamie." It was not a question more of a statement, I know the answer and did not even want to hear her words. Aunt Jamie was my mothers biological sister, she had run away from home when she was merely sixteen and only came to my mother when she ran short of money for drugs.

"She promised me she was going to use the money to enter herself into rehabilitation, I could not say no to her." I sighed composing myself but on the inside I was screaming and venting my anger, I shook my head and walked pass her towards the sofa where my bag sat.

I dug into my bag looking for my wallet and when I found it I pulled out a twenty dollar note.

"I will just order us pizza." I said without turning around to look at her, I pulled my phone out calling the nearest pizza place before ordering a large pepperoni pizza.
"What did he want?" I asked, I did not need to say his name for her to know who I was talking about, she remained silent for a moment before I heard her approaching me.

"H-He told me he loves me and I fell for it. I slept with him only to wake up to a couple hundred notes on the nightstand and he was gone." I closed my eyes, this had not been the first time and I knew it certainly would not be the last time.
"Did he ask for me?" I turned to face her, she gave me a guilty look answering my question. My so called father saw me as an mistake, someone who ruined his illicit relationship with my mother.

"He left me a cheque in your name." She said making me scoff, I hated him. Maybe it was because of how he made me realised how imperfect and terrible my life was. He made me realise how I ruined everyone around me, and my mother who would never admit it but was the proof of my outcome.

"Call me when the pizza arrives, I'll leave the twenty dollar note on the counter." Was all I said before walking away, letting me analyse how messed my life was. I had been laying on my bed when my mother called my name, announcing the pizza was here. I got off the bed now dressed in my pyjamas I walked out of my bedroom with my stomach grumbling in hunger.

My phone buzzed and I knew who it was before I even read the name. I swiped open the text seeing the message from Noah.

Noah: there's a party tonight, wanna come out?

I sighed in wonder, maybe a few drinks was what I needed.

Me: sure. What time?
Noah: twelve. I'll pick you up at eleven.

I did not bother to respond back, instead walked towards the dining table and settled down beside my mother with the pizza opened and laid in front of us. I grabbed a slice and bit into it, the flavour of the pepperoni and cheese instantly melted into my mouth.

"My schools holding an dance show, I am participating." I said dissolving the silence that had filled the room, from the look on her face I could tell she appreciated it.
"That's amazing, your an amazing dancer." She said and I nodded my head in appreciation for her compliment. I have always enjoyed dancing, using it as a way to take my mind away from my troubled filled life.

"Will you be able to make it, it's fine if you can't." I said hiding the slightest hope I held inside of me that she would come to see me dance, she had not been able to come to my previous shows and I always wondered why I kept my hopes up.
"Sure, I will. I would love too." A small smile crept up on my lips hearing her words, I nodded my head focusing on finishing my food.

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