Shall we dance?

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(This chapter is slightly shorter than I would of liked but anyway)

Redrew of the designs for this chapter!!

OK NOW ENJOY THE CHAPTER_____________________________BALLOONS POV

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I smile as I walk through the room to nickel, everyone was doing their own thing. Talking, dancing or just something random. My top hat slightly slips off and I secure it back onto my head. I don't even know why I wanted this as a surprise to nickel, it's not even anything special. But oh well. I do like the hat though. There was music playing from the speakers, I'm glad it's not too loud, sometimes the music can be deafening. Everyone is just having a good time.
"Hey nickel"
"Took you long enough-" nickel looks up at me and slightly freezes "-you look-..good" He blurts out, I could feel as my face gets slightly hotter at the sudden compliment. DID HE JUST SAY THAT?
"Oh wow- thanks, you look nice as well!" Nickel's face got red. We stay silent for a bit looking away from each other

"Soo, how's the party going?" I try and start up conversation, trying to ignore the comment nickel made earlier
"What a great conversation starter" nickel says sarcastically
"Oh come on! You start the conversation then!"
"Uh. Wassup?"
"Really? Well, that proves my point you don't know how to start one either!"
"Yeah yeah whatever, I'm kinda hungry though. Want to go see if they have a snack bar or something?"
"Sure, I'm kinda hungry too" we walk off and look around the room, past all the people we see a table in the corner with food on it, so we walk over to it. Me and nickel look at the different snacks
"Hey, pass me the chips" I hand him over a packet of chips and grab myself a few marshmallows placing some on the table. "Uh so.. yeah I have no idea what to talk about" I look around the room leaning onto the table, I put a few marshmallows into my mouth. I go to grab another one, but I couldn't feel any on the table.

Confused I look back
"What the-" THEY WERE GONE? I look around the table to see if they rolled over someone, but in the corner of my eye I see a marshmallow..RUNNING? Uhm, I don't feel like eating anymore. I ignore what just happened and continue to look around

My eyes skim over someone
Huh knife? Why is he here?
Did he get eliminated or something?


Seriously I cannot believe how unlucky I am right now. All I wanted to get is some food but nooo there just had to be a party where everyone is staring at me, though why is everyone dressed up, eh not like it matters. Please can something just go right for once. Oh whatever I'll just ignore them, who cares if they think I'm eliminated I know I'm not. Let's just hope oj doesn't kick me out or something.

I see a table behind salt and pepper which had food on it. Well at least I don't have to make it myself. I go over to it only to see two familiar looking objects.
"—doubt—is elimina— it's too earl—for that" the music was deafening their voices as I was far away, but I managed to hear a few words. I walk behind nickel.
"Hey man" nickel turns around only to look surprised
"What are you doing here, did you get eliminated or something?" He slightly laughs
"No. Just here to get food, I didn't even know there was a party" balloon stood awkwardly in silence "So how's it going with you know" nickel gave me a stare, that practically screamed for me not to talk about it. Balloon took this as his sign to leave
"Uh I'm just gonna let you guys have you conversation" he walks off, nickel watches him. Then he quickly turns back to me
"Could you like not bring that up, especially when balloon is right there!"
"But you still didn't answer my question" nickel rolls his eyes and sighs
"I guess you could say it's going good"
"Just 'good'?" I raise an eyebrow
"Ok fine it's going like I don't know, excellent? It's just going really good, I guess. Definitely far better from when we last talked"
"Well good to hear that, but like when are you planning on confessing?"
"HUH WHAT THATS WAY TOO EARLY!" He quietly yelled
"Is it? Well, I wouldn't know, I literally have no idea on what's your relationship is like with him"
"Well we're pretty close I guess- BUT NO THAT CLOSE, I think?"
"I think?" I question him
"I mean I don't know, I guess there were a few weird? Incidents, I don't know what to call them just I guess moment where I thought..uh"
"You thought what?"
"That maybe I could- BUT! That was only a few times!"
"Uh huh and what were these moments exactly?"
"I guess those times where we slept in the same bed together, hugging-"
"Wait pause. You slept. In the same bed. Together. While hugging?"
"Well yeah but some of the times were an accident-"
"Emphasis on the some, some of the times. And you are seriously denying confessing?" I look at nickel for him to explain himself. His rolled his eyes
"Look it's just- I just kinda feel nervous about it. I like what we have right now, and if I do confess and he doesn't like me back well then, I can kiss goodbye our relationship"
"I didn't say you have to do it now though? I was asking when you were gonna do it" Nickel thinks for a second
"You know what, fuck it. Next week"
"Damn you sure did switch you tone quick, wait what day is it today?"
"Uh Saturday why?"
"So like are you going it next Saturday orr-?"
"I don't know just sometime next week, I just really need to do it"
"Well good luck I guess, rooting for you. Anyway, I'm gonna go now before oj kicks me out" I grab a few snacks from the table and turn around
"Yeah, see you" I walk off


UHM WHAT. DID I JUST SERIOUSLY JUST AGREE TO DO THAT. Oh my godddddddd. Why did I even agree, I do want to but- ugh! I just- I don't know, I don't think I can wait any longer I guess. Agh whatever, I already said it no turning back now. I sigh, well this is going to be awkward talking to balloon, not like it wasn't already. Speaking of which where even is he?

I look around trying to find him, I see him leaning against a wall just daydreaming. I walk over to him; he didn't notice me.
"Huh? Oh hi nickel, what did you guys talk about?" Reminding myself of what exactly we talked about, I felt my face get a little hotter
"Nothing! I mean we were just..catching up yeah" balloon looked confused "A-anyways uhm so do y————

We start up a conversation and just chat, we lost track of time. Honestly, I thought the party was going to feel like an eternity, but it wasn't too bad, well to say it was actually pretty good or it still is. But before we know it-
"Okay everyone we got like 30 or 20 minutes till you guys can go if you want so, time for that dance!" Oj calls out in the microphone. Everyone got excited.

Me and balloon just look at each other, our faces becoming crimson. Balloon breaths in and slightly bows down and lifts his top hat.
"Well, after you nickel~" At that moment I felt butterflies run all over my stomach as my face become a deep red. I was frozen, trying to process what just happened. Balloon laughs
"Okay but seriously let's go now!" I simply nod, still extremely flustered at WHAT HE DID.

We go to find a spot in the (dancing area? Living room? Man idk) and just wait for the music to start, everyone was finding a spot to dance in.

I felt nervous I guess, and excited at the same time. I don't really know how to feel. But at last, the music starts playing
"You ready?"
Balloon grabs me by the sides and looks down on me. I could feel my heart pounding onto my chest. We start slowly dancing with each other. I melt into balloon's touch, and I feel myself calming down as we stared into each other's eyes.
This is nice
It's amazing actually, I would have never thought I would have this moment
Especially with balloon
But here I am, and honestly right now. I let go of all my fears and just enjoy it.

I wrote this book
If no one else is gonna write a 1+ hours long fic about nickloon then who will?
Plus rn I'm like hyper fixated on it and I can't think about anything else lmao

(1557 words)

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