The world changes in a blink of an eye.
Earth is the pupil filled with people going to school with pupils.
And going to work is dutiful.
Its an endless cycle, that wont keep the face youthful.
But something or someone there will find you beautiful,
so don't give up hope.
Keep your head high with out the expensive, endless lines of dope,
because you'll choke with out a noose on your neck.
You will not submit to death's beck and call.
Life is here to stabilize the soul,
not to fall fall from the flowing blood in the carcass kept together by tissue.
Ah God bless you.
i thought i heard you sneeze after you fell on to your knees after that nose bleed,
from all that inhaling and wailing.
Now ambulances and paramedics are waiting and waiting,
as they arise from their white carriages staked with red crosses from heaven.
Now, guess where you're headed...