December 22.

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"Braelynn... babe. Wake up..." The faint whispering of your boyfriend is what woke you up in the early morning. Usually, you had to wake him up and drag him out of bed so being second to wake up by him for a change was a bit confusing. "Jeongin? Why are you awake? Are you ok?" You sat yourself up in bed and rubbed your eye, trying to make your vision less hazy. He ran his fingers through your hair, trying to flatten the little hairs that stuck up. "Get up love. We need to get ready." You looked over to the bedside clock to see it read; 9:27. "Get ready? It's 9:30? You have the day off." It was near Christmas, of course he had it off. There was no question about that. "Exactly so get up. Go take a shower. I'll have your clothes waiting for you when you're done." With still so much confusion, but too tired to play mind games with your boyfriend, you did what he said. Discarding the warm blanket and dragging yourself out of bed. Starting to walk towards the bathroom, you whispered under your breath, "it's so cold."

It was mid-December in Korea, and you didn't always do well with the cold. The snow was beautiful as long as you were watching it through the window while being curled up in bed with a heater pointed at you. Korea was home because it's where your boyfriend is, but you miss the summer heat so badly. And taking this warm shower isn't helping. You know as soon as you turn the warm water off, you'll be struck with the chilled air in the room. Making you wish you were back in bed, under the covers, cuddled up to Jeongin.

Finally sucking it up and deciding to exit the shower. You made your movements quick, turning the shower nobs and darting to grab your towel to wrap yourself in it. Speed walking back into the bedroom, you slowed down when you saw the outfit Jeongin chose for you laying on the bed. "Pajamas?" The sight you saw was red and black plaid shorts, a long sleeve black shirt, long black socks with tiny candy canes on them, and reindeer slippers. "He made me take a shower to put on different pajamas?" Your boyfriend didn't always make the most sense but if this is what he wanted, you'll do it. 

After slipping into the pajamas, you walked out to the living room being greeted with an even more surprising sight. The living room which everyone in the dorms had neglected to decorate, was decorated. More than it normally would have. A big, beautiful Christmas tree sat in the corner of the room, decorated with lights and ornaments. All the little Christmas decor placed around the room. The decorative couch pillows replaced with Christmas decorative pillows. A big, soft blanket laid across the couch. A tray with hot chocolate, marshmallows, and Christmas sugar cookies sat on the coffee table and the tv was set up to play one of your favorite Christmas movies.

"Jeongin what is this?" He walked over to you from the kitchen and smiled down at you. Lifting you up off the ground into his arms as you crossed your legs around his hips, "come on." You continued looking around the room trying to figure out where the amazing smell was coming from as he carried you to the couch and carefully set you down. He sat next to you, turning your attention to look at him, still having a confused look on your face. "What's wrong? You don't like it?" His voice sounding worried. "No, no. I do. But how'd you do all this?" As much as you love your amazing boyfriend, he can be a bit helpless at times. He relies on others a lot for help given he can barely wash a bowl without breaking it. He always takes amazing care of you, but you're definitely the more responsible one and take a lot of leadership in the relationship.

"Well, I had help." Help or not, this was perfect. How he even came up with the idea and managed to get it all done without you finding out was incredible. "Lee Know hyung helped me cook the food. Felix hyung helped me bake cookies and make the hot chocolate. And Chan hyung helped me decorate." You were in absolute awe at his words. He put so much effort into doing this for you and it meant so much. It really showed how much he loved and cared about you. 

Pausing for a moment to realize what he had been wearing. All your attention was on the space around you, you hadn't even noticed your boyfriend's outfit. Black and red plaid pants, a short sleeve black t-shirt, long black socks with tiny candy canes, and reindeer slippers. "We're matching." You pointed out. "Yes, but you look cuter." He placed a gentle kiss on your lips, knowing well that you'd be flustered by his words.

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