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Most people would be scared of a night in these woods alone, they're dangerous and full of ferocious weirdos laying in wait for a vulnerable Beta. Luckily i'm the Alpha of these woods and I no one would dare disrespect my authority. 

I walk through the woods for maybe an hour patrolling just to make sure my POWERFUL clan full of WARRIORS is safe from rouges attacking the middle of the night. Suddenly I hear a loud truck traveing through the woods a few meters away from me. That's weird, this is weird, no one comes out here into MY WOODS at this time of night. 

I go to check out the noise of the loud truck and find it parked with the lights out. I walk steathily up to the truck, this is not my first time being stealthy. I see a couple of empty cans following the path the driver took. I follow steathily again because i'm good at it.

I peak through the safe space of the bushes and watch the figure sit down at the edge of the nearby lake. He looks to be drinking something in a white metallic can with bold lettering. The man is alone. Easy enough to rid him of MY LANDS. I take my time to ready and adjust into a pouncing position... One... Two... Three... 

"RAWWWWRR!" I scream as loud as I can and show off my wolf muscles. The man does not look scared if anything he just looks confused. Weird this is not how it usually goes. 

"Uhh can I help you man?" the strange man asks me.

"I... You're supposed to scream."

"Oh. Oh! I see um... here," the man picks up his drink and looks away. "Try to scare me again I'll get it right this time." 

I'm so confused at this but because I have no other ideas I do as the man says because he seems to know what he is doing. I walk backwards into the bush and crouch down. I position myself again and leap out of the bushes yelling the loudest roar i've ever roared.

"OH JESUS OH GOD WHAT IS THAT OH MY GOD PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" The man jumps up and spills his drink and starts comically shaking. I am still confused but I think I understand now.

"You are an actor aren't you my good sir?" I ask curiously, i've never seen someone this good at acting until now.

"No no, well, yeah I do a bit of community theatre, nothing too serious." The man sits down again and opens up his icebox to hand over a drink to me. "Here pop a broski and sit with me dude!"

I start to 'pop a broski' and sink my BIG FANGS into the can labled WHITECLAW. It tastes pretty good, like the bubbles of the nearby stream on a hot summers day. 

"THIS IS VERY GOOD SIR!" I scream excitedly towards the man.

The man chugs his own can of WHITECLAW and gives me a thumbs up.

We sit there in silence drinking our WHITECLAWS together. It is an enjoyable night. And then the man speaks up again and says, "Hey, you ever been bass fishin'?" 

"Yes many of times, I grab them with my POWERFUL HANDS!" I reply.

"Would you like to come down with me and the boys this saturday to wrangle up a bit of fish?"

"Yes sir I would like to meet your boys." I smile at the man and he heads off too his truck. 

We wave goodbye. I will see this man and his 'boys' in the following days.



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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