Doom Chicken

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In a dark and gritty city not to different from Gotham City but not as much crime but if there was crime it was taken care of by the super heroes that protected the city.

One day a man named Brad Symphony was watching a bank robbery happen know it was to end quick with the hero's on the way but as the robber was taken in custody something inside him made him feel bad for them he couldn't pin it on why but he felt like they could have gotten away if the hero's has a super villain that fought them.

Over the course of a couple weeks he slowly began getting the idea of becoming the city's first super villain he didn't have much money so he fished an old chicken costume out of the trash and cleaned it up a bit there were still some holes around the costume revealing the fluff inside but he knew he would eventually fix them (he didn't).

Next he needed weapons to stand a chance against the hero's he grabbed two sticks from his back yard and taped two prop chicken legs onto them but didn't make it so they could be lethal in anyway.

After preparing and figuring out what his first crime would be he went out and robbed a bank and held up a microphone and yell out proudly.

'I AM DOOM CHICKEN, THE FIRST SUPER VILLAIN OF THIS CITY, HAND OVER YOUR MONEY AND NO ONE SHALL BE HARMED' after a moment of silence and confusion people began laughing ...and laughing and laughing some more.

Rather then feel embarrassed or detested he held firm and began taking money from people as they continued laughing no one saw him as a real threat enough that the hero's weren't called soon he collected enough money from the bank and peoples wallet that he left.

His first day as a villain and he managed to pull it off he made out with around 2k he almost immediately began working out plans for an evil lair.

After several months he finally finished it his secret lair ...which was an abandoned KFC near the edge of the city he renamed it the Chicken Coup and began committing more crimes he started off strong actually getting a decent amount of money.

But soon enough people started calling the hero's and his first fight with them was about to- actually wait he was almost immediately shoved into a cop car while he was knocked out and the money was returned he wasn't in the jail for long but he almost immediately returned to the lair and began work to find a way to fight the hero's.

But given he didn't have powers like the heros he stood no chance over the course of five to six years he continued to come back and "fight" the heros but he would lose everytime and come back still the same.

(Well that's really it again this was just a character I came up with while doing a side quest and I made this on a whim if you do want more of Brad Symphony the Doom Chicken I may thing about making a fully fledged book for him)

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