Loss to a Beginning

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"You know that you should quit watching him" Jarrod said while fixing his black hair. "It will make you even more depressed."

I ignore his comments as I continue to look at the computer screen. It is showing the inside of a Burger King with cherry red booths and light brown tile. In one of the booths held a light-toned brunette staring at his phone. I wish the places he went had better quality cameras or even audio.

"I wonder if he remembers me"

"Probably" Jarrod rolls his eyes, getting irritable with me because I ask that question every time I think about him "But you need to remember why you stopped having contact with him". His golden eyes were cold when he looks at me, making sure that I understand why I spent the last eight years making sure that I don't exist. I glance back to the computer screen and saw that he had left Burger King.

With disappointment, I got out of the charcoal colored chair and began to make my way towards the door. My workplace/home is a neat little office in Salt Lake City. Even though it bothers me that the government pays for my everything, it's not that bad. All of this applies to Jarrod minus that he can go visit his family because his parents are both high profiled goverment workers. He still lives in the same building as me even though he could go live with his parents.

"Ann we got new mission."

"Where?" Usually our missions consist of getting something back, murder, and/or violence.

"It looks like we will be in Turkey." His monotone voice shown no excitement. He explains the rest of the assignment as we enter the black Cadillac. It usually doesn't take long to get to the airport, but I wish it took longer. I look at Jarrod and notice that he is staring at me.

"Do you need something?" I ask with a frown on my face.

"I'm just looking through window"

I nod to answer him and go back to thinking about anything. My brain still doesn't understand why Jarrod decided to join this program even though he has zero abilities. Maybe it's because his parents wanted him to work for the same place as them or he just got tired of whatever he was doing. All I know really is that he has been my partner for about five years and I still don't know that much about him.

"We are almost there" the driver in black said. We say our thank you's and exit the car to the open field. The silence after the Caddie left was strange. Generally the helicopter is ready to go and the supplies for the missions are there.

"Are they just late?" I ask Jarrod "or was the assignment cancelled?"

He stays silent for a couple of minutes staring at his phone.

"It's late" he responds. Sometimes, I want to beat the crap out of him when he ignores me.

We continue with the silence, waiting for the loud churning of the helicopter or a plane. The mountains near the landing pad look fantastic and seems as if they are a frozen ocean of gray rocks and glistening white snow. Sometimes I wish that time would freeze, so I can enjoy moments like this. My dark black hair kept flying in my face which was getting on my nerves. Jarrod notices that I was having trouble getting my hair into a hair band. He smirks at me, but slowly turned back into his serious mode.

"Do you think you will be able to get rid of that curse of yours?" He questions in an earnest tone. His golden eyes shine in the sunlight while he stares at me with a solemn expression. I gave him a confused look full of curiosity.

"What curse? My 'powers' or what?" I couldn't decide whether to be offended by calling my supernatural abilities a "curse" or to be astonished that he actually asked that.

Before he could answer the airplane came thundering towards us, destroying the strange atmosphere that happened between us. He glances at me before speaking to one of the supervisors to get the full gist of the mission. I listen to the whole explanation, and we will be going save three soldiers from a group called Mal'ak . It doesn't make much of a difference who I have to kill, as long as I get the assignment completed and get my paycheck, I'll be happy. She gave us the descriptions of the soldiers, and told us to be careful about how we treat them. Jarrod grabs his black bag containing his Marines uniform, and I plucked my black bag which contains a bulletproof vest, a helmet, and other items such as a gun (not sure which one they chose).

"You guys first will take the plane to Turkey then have a jet you to your destination" she said in a blank tone "after you retrieve the soldiers, you will return back to Turkey so we can contact you for further assignments. If you have any more questions ask them on the plane."

"Yes ma'am" we say in unison.

The plane ride is about 20 hours or less and will probably consist of me mostly sleeping. I would have a conversation with Jarrod, but he's irritated. I didn't want to make it worse. Most commonly Jarrod has a monotone attitude, yet he's been getting super grouchy whenever I talk with him. I can't really ask him why because after knowing him a couple of years you learn that he hates opening himself up. He's been my only "friend" since I joined the Magus program. There are only two people in the program, monotone mofo and me.

After a couple of looking at my phone seeing if anything new has happened with "him", learning more about the mission, and multiple naps, Jarrod spoke to me "I'm sorry that I got mad at you".

I stuttered at first because of this rare moment in my life.

"I-I forgive you?" I seriously don't know how to answer that question.

"Good" he mumbles before he goes back to reading. After that conversation, it went back to total silence until we reached Diyarbakir, Turkey.

The city has a pale veil covering its castle like structure. It holds a beautiful, ancient feeling that made me excited on the inside. As we exit the plane, snow delicately fell on Jarrod's hair, giving him a heavenly essence. The background of the city defines his masculine figure, making my heart almost skip a beat.

"Are you allowed to have a girlfriend" I ask delicately.

"Yeah." He said sharply. I figure since I asked that Jarrod would want me to be silent.
Upon landing on the building, is was easy to enter it. Jarrod chose to stay behind me while we scan the premises. The place's chilling atmosphere made my bones shake, and wind whispers fear into my ears as we descend through the shadowy corridors. Our footsteps are quiet as we guide through the broken glass and the rattle of the objects from the building's prime years. Toys and broken dolls tell the forgotten story of the ancient building. Beds and rotting books are scattered in the forgotten rooms. Tattered walls show the old scars of children and nurses. The floors began losing their grimy look as we traveled farther and farther into the empty institution of ruin.

"Be more caut-" but before he could finish his sentence, the hallway began being flooded with a clear mist. It s reaches us before I could slip on my gas mask.

"Shit" I mumble as I hit the cold, hard floor. Pain was the last thing I feel before fainting.

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