Chapter 21:

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A/n: here's another chapter! Thank you all for sticking with the story! Please enjoy! :)


I couldn't contain myself as I jogged the way home, giddy and restless. I made sure to check both sides of the street before crossing and continued on.

I had been living with Rome and his family for 2 weeks now. It was hard at first. Hard to feel safe and to get rid of the constant paranoia. And while they sometimes asked about my past, the didn't force me to tell them anything else. I was truly thankful to them.

I caught Gloria in the driveway, probably finally home from work and ran up to her, out of breath.

"I.... Huff... Got.... Huff.... the job!" I practically screamed. Her surprised face turned into a big grin as she grabbed me into her arms.

"I'm so happy for you?" She squealed. I hugged her back, just as tight. "I have to go tell Rome!" I remembered, giving her one last smile.

She nodded and shooed me away.

I busted into the house, catching sight of Julian eating a snack on the table.

"Nian! I got a job!" I cheered. His mouth was busy chewing, but I could see a smile attempting to pass through.

"Where's Rome?" I asked, looking around. Julian pointed to the bathroom and I rolled my eyes, even though I could barely contain my excitement.

"Rome? Hurry up!" I demanded, biting my fingernails anxiously.

"I'm pooping, Cody. You know I can't speed up the process or bad things will happen." He pointed out. I glanced at Julian, the two of us sharing an annoyed look. If I had a nickel for everytime he's said that, I wouldn't even need the job.

I heard the toilet flush and got all excited again. The faucet turned on and I waited patiently for it to stop.

Even after it did, he still took a good 10 minutes to finally come out.

"What took you so long?" I barked, crossing my arms.

"Oh sorry I forgot you were out here. I was looking in the mirror."

I sent him a glare, but felt relieved that I could finally tell him.

"I got the job!" I ecstatically announced.

I watched his face change, and he grabbed me so quick, I could see stars. He spun us around, and I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Okay, okay... Now put me down. I said put me down!" I hit him softly as a warning, and he listened. The two of us smiled happily at each other for a good 10 seconds before Julian began to cough.

We looked over and he quickly grabbed at napkins, wiping his mouth. "Sorry, I was drinking water and it went down the wrong pipe." He mumbled, sending us a sheepish look.

Rome rolled his eyes before turning back to me. "So? How do you wanna celebrate? What food shall I make?" He asked with a small playful smirk.

I looked at Julian, who looked slightly worried.

"Please don't say it..." I heard him mutter.

"Meatloaf." I answered, earning a groan from everyone in the house, including Gloria, who was in the bathroom.

Gloria and Julian both hated Rome's meatloaf, so he avoided making it. But the week I started staying here, Rome offered to make my favorite food. I didn't have one, and told him to make whatever he wanted. He made meatloaf, and it was so good, I couldn't stop asking for it. We did have to make other foods, per Gloria's request, but whenever I had a chance, I'd ask for it.

"How about... Pizza instead?" Julian pleaded.

Rome narrowed his eyes. "What's wrong with my meatloaf?" He asked, tying on his apron.

Julian quickly shifted his gaze, but have me one more begging look.

"Fine. Pizza." I sent Julian a pointed look and grabbed the apron Rome offered me. I was always the one to help him in the kitchen, since no one else was up for the task. I really enjoyed it, and never understood why no one else took the job.

"Pizza, pizza, pizza." Rome sang. Julian covered his ears and quickly stuck his finished plate in the sink, and ran to his room.

I sang along with Rome as I handed him all the spices for the sauce we were making.

I was peeking over his shoulder as he handled all the dirty work. I heard a knock at the door and my heart skipped a little. I grabbed onto Rome's shirt and felt myself shiver. I swallowed a big lump in my throat until Rome finally caught on.

"Hey, someone's at the door." He nonchalantly announced before untying the apron.

Julian appeared and grabbed my hand, pulling me into his room and onto his bed, handing me a blanket.

I covered my head and waited.

"Thank you." I heard from the door. I poked my head out and Rome appeared at the doorway. "Delivery man." He said, presenting a package in his hands.

I nodded and got up, feeling relieved.

"Shall we continue?" He asked, a familiar soft look, making me feel safe. I nodded and followed him back into the kitchen.


We all rested after practically demolishing that pizza. Even if Rome's meatloaf was better, I would be lying if I said it wasn't just as comforting.

We chatted and I offered to do the dishes, which Gloria helped me with. Afterwards, we pulled out some board games, per demand of Julian, and played till Gloria ordered us all to go to bed.

I did grumble a bit. I was an adult, I didn't need a bedtime! But truthfully, I never really did have a bedtime, as a child. So I didn't argue too much.

I had ended up moving into Rome's room. I was just spending all my time I'm there, anyway, so a second mattress was set up, just for me.

Rome's room was surprisingly big. Or maybe it was the lack of furniture that made it look big. He only had a bed, and a bedside table with a lamp.

I rolled myself in my blanket as I glanced over at Rome, who was mirroring my movements, and after we both settled in, we stared at each other.

We were both wearing matching pajamas that Gloria also bought during my first week. They were overwhelmingly comfortable, and after I realized Rome had the same pair, I couldn't help but laugh.

I snuggled in before pointing at his lamp, silently ordering him to turn it off. He nodded and it was off.

I flopped my head down on the pillow, and stared at the dark ceiling.

It was silent for a good 30 minutes before I felt my heart beating faster. I swallowed a big lump in my throat and my lips quivered.

"I.... I think I'm ready to tell you everything. Everything that happened. What I'm hiding from. If you're awake, and you here me, tomorrow, I want you to ask me one more time."

And I turned over, and closed my eyes. I truly was ready. I was scared of what they might think, but they deserved to know, and they had given me more than enough time.

And before I knew it, I was asleep.

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