For You | chapter 33

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Ddots pov

ian gone lie right now...i'm hungry as fuck. "MELODY COME ON IM HUNGRY" i yelled towards her room waiting for her to get ready.

"don't rush ha you know she gotta break the news to dd" notti kept his face buried in his phone not even caring.

her room door opened and she walked out her room wearing a black long sleeve zip up crop top and some black matching tights with some yeezy slides.

she hate them damn shoes so much ion even know why she wearing them. dd walked out behind her and she rolled her eyes.

i turned my head trynna keep from laughing but failed miserably. "where y'all goinnnn" he dragged.

nigga 16 acting like a lil bitch.

i think it's ironic both of them are a saggitarius. "we going go karting bitch boy" notti said with the biggest smile on his face.

he love spending times with his sisters, he looks up to mel mel like a sister so that includes her. "why i can't come" dd groaned.

"cause we always spend time together i just wanna hang out with them for a lil, you know see how they doin and catch up" she shrugged.

dd looking liked she just smashed his heart into pieces. "so you don't love me no more" his mouth hung open.

he a lil bitch worda bro.

"i never said that bubs" she grabbed his face kissing him two times before backing up. "nigga you leaving me for dead. again." he stale faced her.

"it won't be long" she walked away not even sparing him a second glance. i wish melody knew the weird shit he do when he by hisself. ion think she would let him stay in her room.

"I HATE IT HEREEEEEE" dd yelled dragging it out. "igh bro we gone be back" i waved him off.

acting like a hormonal girl. ion know which one i hate more. cry baby lovey dovey dd or dickhead rude ass dd but at this point it's no in between you get one or the other.

when he was a dickhead to mel mel i wanted to sock his shit, so it's a step up. "love you bubssss" she said as we walked out.

aw puppy love. so cute.

"love you too" he mumbled.

"ahhh young love" notti sighed placing a hand on his heart. "a beautiful thing" i added mocking them. "shut yall bitch ass up" she mugged us and we laughed.

"can one of y'all take my pictures before we go?" she asked and i nodded.

how the fuck we even getting there?

"i just realized how the fuck we getting there" notti asked.

i just thought the same thing. he can read minds.

"do y'all ever listen to me?" she asked us with raised eyebrows and me and notti looked at each other. the fuck did we miss?

"i'm high like...100% of the time." i nodded. she huffed. "my grandma on omar side got me a car like a week ago" she rolled her eyes.

since whennnnn?

she just said a week ago dipshit.

damn. i'm right.

"why" i asked her as we got outside. "some shit bout she don't like him and he did me wrong" she shrugged. "i didn't even know she knew what happened, but i do know that elijah threw a fucking fit she got me a car and not him" she laughed making us laugh too.

her laugh is contagious. she got a nice smile with her metal mouth ass. i lowkey be looking away when she smile cause that shit hurt my eyes.

"k take the pictures" she handed me her phone and i took like fifty pictures. it's hard as hell taking melody pictures she be acting shy.

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