Angel of Hope

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"I think this one is my favorite," Nicole declared, holding up the keychain with a sparkly purple BTS logo. "I'm going to be able to use it every day!"

"I'll use my favorite every day," DeeDee replied, securing her pin to her shirt. It had a photo of Namjoon on it, her bias. Nicole was pretty sure she was serious about wearing it daily. "I still can't believe how many freebies we came away from the concert with. ARMY is amazing."

"I know! We'll have almost as many good memories of the crowd as we do of the stage!" Nicole began tidying up all of the things she had spread across the table to look at again- photo cards, stickers, buttons, bracelets. She had purchased some official merch, too, but the freebies came with the memories of the smiling faces who gave them to her, squealing over a shared bias, or complimenting each others' concert outfits. "Ah, I can't believe it's over."

"Things have to end to become memories," DeeDee replied wisely. Then she looked around the restaurant curiously. "I guess we got here at a good time. There's a ton of people waiting. But for some reason there are a bunch of empty tables back there, still."

"Maybe those are for reservations," Nicole shrugged. "You know how busy Korean restaurants stay when BTS is in town, I bet plenty of people knew to call ahead."

"Maybe. I've seen a waitress go past a few times, so someone is back there. Reservations could make sense." DeeDee nodded, her curiosity sated, and picked up her own collection. Their food would be arriving, soon.

They were in the middle of their meal when it happened. They heard the crashing sound of falling and breaking glass, first, and then shouting. "Is there a doctor here?!" a waitress shrieked, and Nicole hopped to her feet in a flash, running towards the need.

"I'm a nurse," she announced to the distressed waitress, who pointed at the table. Nicole's focus was on the most visible injury as she picked up a cloth napkin that still looked clean and pressed it to the bleeding palm, cut open by a piece of shattered dishware, she assumed. Only when she had that under pressure did she look up to assess the patient for more injuries.

The faces looking on in horror were familiar, too familiar. Kim Namjoon was right next to her, hands still in the air as he tried to avoid touching any of the broken glass, himself. Min Yoongi appeared to be trying his best to calm Jeon Jungkook and Kim Seokjin further down the table, while Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin had caught the patient as he fell unconscious and were trying to hold him up without obstructing their own view. And the injured party? He looked a little different at the moment, having gone pale and limp when he was usually full of energy, but Nicole would know Jung Hoseok anywhere. After all, he was her bias.

That did not stop her from doing her professional duty. "I don't see any other injuries," she observed without taking pressure off his cut. "Did he get hit with something that knocked him out?"

"We didn't see anything like that. He might have just fainted," Namjoon replied. "There was a lot of blood."

Nicole nodded. It was a scary looking injury for anyone halfway squeamish. "It's a decently deep cut. He needs medical attention, probably stitches." Namjoon was already translating that to a Korean man who had run to the table around the same time she did. Probably a manager, judging by the fact that he was already on the phone.

Most of the worried gazes were on her, now. Nicole found herself looking into Jimin's eyes. "It's okay," she assured him. "He's okay."

Hoseok groaned suddenly as he returned to the waking world. He tried to pull his hand away, but Nicole had to hold it tightly. This brought his attention to her even before he was aware of his surroundings again, and she found herself staring at his face as he blinked at her in disbelief. "Cheonsa?" he muttered, a word she did not recognize. She could do nothing besides stare right back at him.

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