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Taking his hat throwing it off somewhere into his shared room, he was just somewhat irritated. He had thought he heard a tapping sound, Toby looked and looked but couldn't find where it was. He almost tore the room upside-down! Toby sighed now noticing the tapping had stopped, sitting down in a man spread position on his bed he hung his head low. Then throwing himself back stretching along the bed, he hit his head on the wall. Not that'd he care. Shutting his eyes finally getting some peace.

"I really need to get my head straight" He mumbled, dragging his hand along his face. Meanwhile, Masky had been keeping himself busy with finishing off little errands and tasks. He had finished most of his important jobs earlier on and was just restless at this point, trying to make sure he was doing something other than sitting alone in his room with his thought. Eventually, he was tasked with running a perimeter check, and unfortunately for himself, was told to take Toby with him.
With a sigh, the masked man walked to Toby's room and swung the door open, not bothering to knock.
"Toby-.." He paused as he looked around the room at the destruction that had been caused. "Ugh, jeez..." he muttered, before shaking his head and continuing. "We need to go do a perimeter check, so get up.." he stated and waited for the other to follow along. He groaned and wanted to complain but he swung his arms up to give him momentum to lift himself up. Then followed suit with the masked man.
He wanted to say something but bit his tongue when it came to talking to Tim, he could just never say the right thing. Toby stared at the back of his head, practically burning holes into the man's skull. He could tell Masky was tired but didn't want to let go of his mood that he has going on. So he started letting his mind wonder off into his own little world until they both got out of the "house," if that's what people called it.

"What are we doing exactly?" He knew that they were both just checking the perimeter, maybe the question was dumb.When Toby followed, he walked off outside and lead them towards the outskirts of the forest- he decided it was probably best to check further out first, then check the closer areas on the way back. At first, he was rather pleased that Toby had mostly remained silent and done as he was told. However, it soon came to an end, as he suspected it would. He stopped at the edge of the forest and sighed, his foot tapping restlessly against the ground.
"I already told you, were you even listening?" He snapped back at him, failing to keep himself calm, clearly not being in the best of moods either... but, when was he ever. "It's just a perimeter check. Hopefully, there won't be any issues and this will be over quick." He reiterated and crossed his arms over his chest, before starting to walk along the perimeter of the forest. "Jeez, no need to be a dick" He stated bluntly, giving him a quick glare. "Good. I don't want to spend another minute with you." He must admit, he wish he could have taken that back, but it was just sudden.
He rolled his eyes as Toby's comments and shook his head. "Yeah, I don't enjoy your company either, Rogers." He muttered back at him, though he didn't care much for his own rudeness, or how it might make the other feel.
He looked around while he walked, mostly since that's what he was meant to be doing right now, but also to ignore Toby as much as possible. Even when he tried to get along with the other, he never managed to and watching his childish behaviour only annoyed him more at the moment.
So far, everything seemed normal, or at least as normal as it could be. He continued to walk around the area, only occasionally forcing himself to glance over at Toby and make sure he was still behaving himself.
Toby crouched down to poke at some bug, seeing it squirm at the sudden bothering. He poked and prod until he was bored. He was completely zoned out, forgetting what he was doing. When he looked up he noticed that Tim was a little further then he was, he believed 5 seconds ago. He rolled his eyes, yeah time moves.
He stood back up and walked on after Tim, now faintly noticing the tapping sound from when he was in the room. He paused, looking around with some kind of awe look in his face. It wasn't often when he had an look of amazement, it was more of a sentimental awe. With that the ringing drifted off. He shook his head after he heard the masked man yell his name.
"Can't you just pay attention for one damn second." He told himself, now he was picking at himself. He lifted his hand up to his face lightly scratching. In the back of his mind he had wished he'd not go back into an episode. So he pushed back and tried to not poke and pick at himself.
Gradually, Masky became more irritated. He wanted this task to be over and to continue some other things on his own. He stopped and waited for Toby to catch up, pacing slightly as he did.
"What is wrong with you today?" He asked, after picking up on some of Toby's behaviours- mostly because they were bugging him, but also just because they were slowing starting to become more obvious. "If you can't do this right now, then go." He spoke firmly and pointed back in the direction of the house.
"I told you, I want this done. If you're going to keep slowing me down, then give me a good reason, or don't bother 'helping' at all." He continued to lecture the other, soon pushing at him as he again failed to keep his composure around the other. It wasn't often he became so snappy, or picked fights... he knew he wasn't meant to, after all, but he still started to take his frustrations out on Toby.
"It's nothing. I can do this today I am not some lazy kid." He snapped, he was determined to stay next to Tim's side like glue.
"If this is any better, I'll stay next to you."
He thought to at least try to be "helpful." He hollowed down and had a bit nausea, but couldn't pin point to why it made him to do that. It could have been a memory burryed deep down. He brushed off Maskys annoying lecture, not wanting to get emotional from getting irritated from this god for saken lecture. Toby was.. kind of like a punching bag for Tim's boring lectures and insults. Now it was time for nice quiet, no tapping, no distractions.
But much to either of dismay, Toby muttered:
"I am-" he sighed. "sorry."
It's quite pathetic what he had become.
Now they had both continue walking with Toby - pitifully - looking at the ground. He's not expecting for the mask man to feel sorry for him, it was just the way it was.
He listened to Toby's responses and chose to bite his tongue, he really needed to stop talking... or rather, snapping, at Toby. Having the other at his side wasn't the most enjoyable for him, but if it kept the other focused then so be it. He took a deep breath after Toby's apology and settled himself down. The apology made him equally annoyed at himself, he knew he shouldn't have been lashing out, or picking on the boy- he needed to control himself better too.
He continued to walk silently now with Toby, soon finishing up in their current whereabouts. He glanced around, before going back towards the house. However, he took a different path on the way back, wanting to make sure he checked everything as much as he could. If they missed anything, he knew it would just cause more work and trouble.
Toby really wanted to go ahead of Tim, he knew it can't. But then Toby realized where they were going, it's the dreadful long way back. He was almost jumping in his spot but manage to contain himself. He took a deep breath, and exhaled. Just a bit more, Toby.
Scanning the area every 5 seconds, knowing there was something off he just didn't know what or where it is. Lifted up his mouth guard, try to make him- more or less. protected. "Hey, do you have an odd feeling that somethings watching us or is it just me." He tried to ease the feeling of literally ANYTHING could be watching them right now. He just hoped that he was still fucking insane and didn't need a need to check another self-diagnostic. He kepted his hand close to his weapon, he didn't usually bring his on the perimeter checks but he was just so out of it he brought it self-consciously.
He glanced to Toby when he was spoken to and then looked around the area. "Toby, I always feel like that... so, I couldn't tell you." He stated with a sigh, making sure to keep himself calmer this time.
"If you think there is an issue, then focus on that and find it." He instructed quietly and looked around once more to see if he could spot anything. "I've not seen anything so far." He said, but made sure to slow down and check things out more thoroughly as they walked, due to Toby's suspicion.
Usually, Masky didn't carry a weapon unless he knew he would need one- Even then, he would often just use his hands, or whatever was in his environment. Maybe it was best that Toby had a weapon though, if there truly was an issue, at least one of them would be a bit more prepared.
"Do you mind if I run off? I'll- I'll make sure to come back. I just wanna take a look around more." He mentioned as he had his head in a direction he wanted to go. Which was in a - very obvious - darker area of the batch of trees they were surrounded by. "Or I can sta-stay with you" His tics were getting more violent as the feeling of them being watched growing stronger. Making his light stuttering, noticeable.
Waiting Tim's answer he made sure to keep an eye on anything that could move, which was everything. Not wanting to overwhelm himself, he focused on, the sound of them walking on the forest floor. He took in every sound of their steps making sure not to miss any one of them.
Masky thought to himself for a while, trying to decide what would be best before giving Toby any kind of answer. "Fine... but, be careful. Don't do anything reckless to get yourself hurt." He started and grabbed Toby's wrist, making sure he wouldn't run off until he finished what he had to say. "I'm gonna stay on this path and walk back. Don't be too long and come back when you're done. I don't want to come searching for you later." He finished with his mini lecture and then let go of Toby, nodding to indicate that he could leave.
Meanwhile, he did exactly as he said he would and continued on the same path, looking around each area as he went by it.
His eyes lit up and he wanted to immediately run off but couldn't because of Tim's mini death hold on his wrist. But as well almost as always he disobeyed Maskys first order and started to climb a tree. To jump, other trees. Toby yelled, "Yeahhh!!" As he jumped off a tree. As he hit the ground his little happiness party quickly came to an end. Noticing that he was in an uncharted section of the forest.
Wasn't he.. near the middle? He groaned completely forgetting where he came from. "Well this sucks. I probably shouldn't be here." He started to try to retrace his steps. Then started to circle around himself to which tree he was on before jumping off. "Well shit."
Masky continue with his checks for a while, eventually ending up back at 'home.' He did one last check closer to home as well, since he mostly checked further out with Toby. It didn't take too long for him to search around and circle back to where he started.
However, even with his task complete, he now had other problems on his mind- 'where the fuck is Toby?' Being the main one. He decided that he would wait outside for a while, just in case the other was taking his time with things. He leaned back against a tree in the clearing and lit a cigarette. He lifted his mask up enough that he could smoke it while he waited there, watching over the area for any sign of the kid, or anything else that might be lurking about.
Toby's ears caught onto something, he couldn't recognize the footsteps. Then it peeked from behind a tree. The face was all black, with a smile and wide eyes- it almost reminded him of Jeff. Something about it made his skin crawl. The thing giggled, almost sounding like tapping noises.
"What the fuck are you? A Jeffrey knockoff? Hey, I thought Nina was bad." His face scrunched up as it's head turned in a unusual direction, the bones snapping as if the skin was not able to fit it's bones. "I should probably start running." As he finished that, the monster started to lunge at him. It caught him complete off guard, hitting him in the ribs, throwing him like a rag doll.
He finished his cigarette and pulled his mask back down, before going inside. He went up to his room and rummaged around for a little while, before leaving just as fast.
He wasn't pleased about it, but unless he bumped into Toby on his way back out, he'd probably have to go and search for him. With a sigh, he walked back into the woods, retracing his steps until he got back to where they'd split up. He then proceeded to go carefully into the direction that Toby had went by himself.
Masky was pretty good at navigating the forest after going through it so often, but even he was a little unsure in this area... ugh, of course Toby would pick the most annoying place to run off to, even after being told to be careful. "Toby?" He called out and looked around as he walked through.
"Yeah, I definitely broke something." He wheezed, trying to catch his breath from the wind being knocked out of him. He layed there, breathing heavily but he needed to get up. He had coughed up some blood. He needed to get back, didn't so much as promise Tim but he needed to at least get one of Tim's "rules" right. Toby got up and pulled out his axe, he couldn't over do it.
He was injured, he knew just because he can't feel pain shouldn't mean he need to damage his body more. He shifted his axe to give him more mobility to start chopping at the damn creature. He should try to scare this thing off before Tim tries to come look for him. It'd be best for Tim not to see him in this injured position. He swung at the beast, aiming at it's head but managed to get it's shoulder.
The creature screeched, Toby's axe was jammed but the monster backed away taking his axe with it and ran off. With that he collapsed into the forest ground. He felt tired, "Fuck me, if I had the ability to feel I would die from pain." He felt the blood run down his chin and onto his neck. Then hearing Tim's voice.
"Shit. Tim I am over here!" He spit out some blood that was over flowing in his mouth, he might as well drown himself in his own blood.
For a while, he was searching around on his own, calling the other and hoping to find him as soon he could. He was relieved to hear Toby's voice not too long after, but it was short lived, he became tense again as he knew there was likely a problem.
He ran over in the direction of the others voice, until he finally found him. When he saw Toby, he looked around to make sure it was safe enough for him to get any closer. "What the fuck, Rogers?!" He snapped at him immediately, though a faintly concerned tone managed to slip into his voice.
He crouched down and carefully grabbed at Toby, lifting him up while trying to avoid causing more damage- at least he couldn't feel the pain along with it. "What happened? Look at me. Can you walk? We need to get you back quickly." He yapped at him and grabbed his jaw, looking over his face and the rest of him as he tried to get an idea of how badly injured Toby was.
He started to walk them back the way he came, he remembered it and just tried to get them out of there as soon as possible. He supported Toby and hooked his arm around him, not wanting him to fall behind or get hurt on the way back.
"Yes I am fin-fine, might have a couple of broken ribs and also might ruptured something. There- there was this crea-creature... " He trailed off, feeling Tim grab his face, and help him up. His vision was now starting to blur. "I can walk, I am fine." He tried not to let himself be carried by Tim but it was still difficult to walk the whole way back. They both swiftly made their way back to the "house", blood just kept coming out of Toby's mouth.
"Hey Tim, not to alarm you or anything but I am losing a lot of blood." He motioned his head to his stomach. "I am sorry I shouldn't have left. None of this would have happened if I hadn't have left." Toby's voice wavered. He felt like a kid again back to before all of this hell back to the one he originally came from.
He walked back with Toby, muttering nonsense to himself until they arrived. At least most of his misplaced frustration was just from worry this time, rather than wanting to murder Toby.
"I- I know- just-..." The masked male stammered, despite Toby's comment, it did indeed alarm him, causing a rush of panic to set in... even after his efforts not to let that happen. "A hospital would be too far- and, maybe not an option. Er, I don't know." He muttered on and carried Toby inside as soon as they arrived. "Someone- can probably help you.. just hold on." He continued his mumbling as he carefully set Toby down once they were inside, running off to try and get some kind of help help, if there was any, and report what had happened. In a panic, he wasn't able to think straight and help Toby on his own and in all honesty, not knowing what to do likely just worsened his little freak out- and, definitely wouldn't help the other.
"Hey, h-hey, Masky!" He tried to yell before he went off. "I am gonna be fine- fine, I've gotten worse this this. Plea-please relax. You are go-gonna be exhausted from all this stress." Toby huffed, "I'll patch myself up and get some rest." He tried lifting himself up but couldn't.
"Uh-uhm do you mind?" He held out his hand to be picked up. He could look into the masked man's black holes for eyes and see how much of a panic he was in, which oddly made him worried for HIS mental state.
"Honestly all I am wor-worried about is you. You've been working to-to the bone the whole day! Ju-Just help me to my room-room and I'll just do what I need to do."

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