Mission 8 - Return to Slender

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Remnant is under a chemical attack. A telephone rings. The call is linked to the SAS headquarters in Hereford.

"O.C., we've got a caller with a lead on the chemical attacks. Says she'll only speak to you." An SAS officer informed as the connection is established between Baseplate and the caller.

"Identify yourself." Jacques demanded.

"Father, it's Weiss."

"It looks like you're gonna get some help from our father, Weiss." Winter said.

Weiss nodded, "And the next mission will play as me, Ruby and Blake.

White Fang's movement across Remnant is shown as SAS casualties are listed.

Jacques signed, "We put a lot of names on the clock tower this week, my child."

"It was Taurus," Weiss stated as a picture of Adam is shown, "The bastard slipped through my fingers in Feldspar. What does MI6 know?"

"You're on everyone's shit-list, John. There's no way I could get you clearance." Jacques told his daughter.

"What the hell does that mean?" Weiss demanded.

"Is our father not gonna help?" Winter asked in shock.

Even Jacques was shocked by this, "Over my dead body he will."

"Don't give me that!" Weiss retorted as a picture of Mountain Glenn was shown, "You still owe me for Mountain Glenn, and I'm calling it in."

"Exactly." Weiss said, "I had to carry you around when you got injured."

"Easy, daughter." Jacques said as he paths of multiple shipments from the cities delivered to Tuff.

"Alright. We've traced the delivery freighter to an outfit in Tuff." Jacques explained as a photo that nobody recognized is shown, "It's run by a nasty piece of work named Tock."

"Wait," Salem suddenly realized, "Tock?"

"You know her." Ozpin asked.

Salem looked hesitant at first, "She was... one of my associates. As part of my inner circle. Back when I was..."

Ozpin understood, "...I see

"My hands are full with the bleeding at home, so you're on your own. Good hunting." Jacques said as he hung up.

As Weiss and Ruby plan their next move, pictures of the docks' security and personnel are pinned on the wall.

"What does security look like?" Ruby asked.

"Strictly second division. Local triggermen guard the compound." Weiss answered.

On the map of the docks, and entry point is drawn and Tock's office is marked the target.

"We'll stick out like bollocks on a bulldog. Stealth's not an option." Ruby said.

Nora smirked, "Looks like they're going in gun blazing."

"Then we'll just have to kick in the front door. Tell Velvet to ready her men." Weiss said.


Weiss is driving a 2012 Jeep Wrangler with Ruby and Blake along a beach. They make their way to the docks.

"Just move quickly and we can snag Tock before she bolts." Weiss informed.

A massive sandstorm can be seen at a distance.

Ruby glanced at Blake for a minute, "The sandstorm's moving in fast! We only have one shot at this."

"Don't worry, she won't escape." Yang declared.

"Bravo Team, take point through the gate!" Weiss called out.

Another jeep driven by Bravo Team drives along the left. Blake gets up in the Jeep. They drive off the beach onto a road and accelerate towards the gate. Ruby looks up and sees Velvet in a Hind flying above them.

"Velvet, soften 'em up!" Ruby shouted.

"Missiles away." Velvet replied as she fires two missiles at the entry point.

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