Baby, I'm Yours

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𝓞𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 20,2022

☺︎𝑳𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓⚠︎


Age 5

"Mommy, I want to be a big brother!"

"Awww Kenji, having you is enough baby."
Naruto pecked his cheek as Sasuke walked in Kenji's room.

"Papa! I want a baby! Mommy said no!"
Sasuke chuckled as he sat on the bed with him.

"Hmm, you know it doesn't sound like a bad idea. I'll have a talk with mommy but for now you need to go to sleep."
Sasuke kissed his forehead as they both exited the room and headed to their bedroom.

"So....what do you think about the idea? I know last you were pregnant it effected you but it could be different since you've already gave birth to one, right?"
Naruto sighed.

"..That doesn't worry me."

"Then what are we waiting for then?"
Naruto looked down.

"I'm scared I might have an omega..."
Sasuke gave him a confused look.

"What? What's so bad about that? On the contrary I would love to have an omega."
Naruto stood silence for a bit but responded.

"I'm just scared that they'll get hurt or you—uh besides one is enough for me."
Naruto got on the bed and lied down. Sasuke turned to him.

"......You think I would hurt them."

"Wh-What? I never said that."
Naruto sat up to look at him.

Immediately Naruto felt flashbacks. It felt like time was repeating itself. He couldn't believe it.

"......That day, I told you to be good to me. I..I am not going to let you do it again."

"You don't believe that I can be a good father to an Omega. I want to prove myself."
Naruto scoffed and shook his head.

"So you're going to... force yourself on me once again? Do you want to go back to the Asylum—"
Naruto stopped talking as soon as he saw Sasuke raise his hand.

"Go ahead, at this point I'm immune to it."
Sasuke looked at Naruto. His face was different from back then. In the past he enjoyed seeing his pained expression but now he just looked like he didn't care. Sasuke put his hand down.

"....I'm sorry, I don't know what got Into me."
Naruto gave him a small smile. He wrapped his arms around him bringing his head to his chest. Sasuke wrapped his arms around Naruto's waist as he let his tears out.

"I'm...I'm never going to get matter how hard I try...."
Naruto played with his hair keeping silent as Sasuke slowly fell asleep.

Age 15

" This is the third time you've gotten expelled!! What has gotten Into you!?"
Naruto was furious by his son's recent actions. He's been getting Into fights and has even been caught doing drugs.

"Psh, not my fault they pissed me off."

"Watch your language!! I don't understand why you've been acting this way!? When your father gets home—"

"Yeah like he's gonna fix the problem! Sure go ahead and run to dad like the little bit—"
A loud slap surrounded the room.

"......Go to your room."
Kenji was surprised by what just happened it was the  first time Naruto had raised his hand on him.
Kenji ran upstairs not bothering to argue back.
Naruto let out a sigh and stared his now red hand.

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