Shadow Flame

6 0 0

mom: Saffron Masala 

dad: Dragon  

siblings: Shadow Fire, Black Pirate, Pirate King, Shadow Pirate, Shadow Blossom, Shadow Flower 

cutie mark: a pony igniting in black flames 

gender: male 

likes: his family, his home, sword fighting, protecting his home, protecting his family, going over on the high seas with his dad and uncles, power, playing the organ 

dislikes: betrayal, someone threatening his family, the villains, Mor'du, Druun, taking orders from his cousins, losing his patience 

home: Canterlot 

weapons: sword, shadow blade, dragon blade, short sword, mace, spiky chain mace, bronze sword  

enemies: the villains, Mor'du, Druun

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