Chapter 1

6 1 1

Percy POV

Hephaestus and I had just finished the school which took almost 7 months the dorms are the cabins which we fixed up a bit the hall Room is the inside cafeteria the school is in the woods on a dirt path with posters of clubs, in the centre their is a golden wolf statute meaning we are all a pack

Hephaestus and I had just finished the school which took almost 7 months the dorms are the cabins which we fixed up a bit the hall Room is the inside cafeteria the school is in the woods on a dirt path with posters of clubs, in the centre their is...

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All the cabins look like this but it has a different form of wolf on it

The 1st years, 2nd years are a new born pup, 3rd and 4th years are toddler pups 5th years and 6th years are middle school pup, 7th, 8th years have a teen school pup, 9th and 10th years are Adult pups, 11-12th years have a grandpa wolf and the adults are dead wolves

The ceremony for the dead are hidden underground the school a statute of a Sword opens up a room full of Statutes of the dead seven and a free statute for when he dies

The classes are on the five floors while the clubs are up in the sixth floor or  outside we have a football field, soccer field, Cricket flied and the beach volleyball is of course is at the beach here

Athena/Ebany Kashmir sent out all the Filters of our school the next week as we spent last week setting up everything the rooms, courts, hall, Orientation and the cleaning of everything

The next day the hall was filled with people the stage has the teachers and the principal Zeus/Venice Odisha was the tallest out of them all

I walked out of the backstage and up to the microphone "Hello Parents and Guardians I am Percy Animkioba my Father once owned this school until an accident happened and it was brunt to the ground but with the help of the technology Teacher Kai Haruki The school is up and running again!" I took a breath "The teachers and principal Mr Odisha would like to introduce themselves I will answer all of your questions after this and we will start the tour" I said bowing the people clapped

I walked to the side "hello everyone my name Is Semi Odisha I am the wife of Venice Odisha I am the homeroom teacher of the 7th years and I am an English teacher" Hera said very clearly and proud she sat back down

"I am the swimming Teacher and the 6th years homeroom one Zero King I hope to make your kids/Grandkids the best they can be in the water we have competitions where they will fighting together as a team as that is the reason behind the statute, It is a pleasure to be talking to you" dad said very chill but as well Strong

It was Zeus turn "hello Everyone my name is Venice Odisha I am the principal and the 8th years homeroom teacher, I will be the one who helps the children in many ways I hope to see your grandchildren or your children here at this lovely school" he said as he sat down

Hades was next "hey everyone my name is Samira Vinayak I am the history teacher and the homeroom teacher of the fifth years I will make sure your children are safe in my class as we will be going to very strict places during the years here at this school" wow just wow Hades he sat down and yawned

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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