Chapter 86

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My baby was sleeping so peacefully next to his daddy. I had to admit always trying to be strong and have that I don't care attitude ruined me. I needed my man. All this time apart made me realize so much and now that our son was here I didn't want him to miss anything or the opportunity to grow up with both his parents in his life. I loved Jaxn more than anything but I had to set some boundaries if not than he was just gone do it again. I had to teach him a lesson and I hope he learned from it.

I went downstairs to make breakfast. I really just wanted some eggs, grits, and bacon. It felt so good to eat and not get sick. My baby hated everything my taste buds was horrible when I was pregnant.

I made my plate than made one for my husband. It felt good to be being a wife again and actually calling my husband, MY HUSBAND! I grabbed my phone as I ate my food and went on IG the first thing I seen was the shade room posting super model Janae. She was holding her stomach like she was pregnant with a caption "I'm his baby girl hoping to have his FIRST baby girl!" I clicked on her profile and she was saying that she's 2 months pregnant.

Hi baby! Murder said coming into the kitchen and kissing my cheek.

It's not yours is it? I asked sliding my phone across the counter top. 

Hell naw!


Destiny if it was mine I wouldn't even been trying so hard to get you back cause I know something like that would of definitely solidify us being over forever.

I hear you...

I'm only putting babies in you! So don't worry your pretty little head off. You the only person ima have carry any of my kids. Speaking of yo 6 weeks almost up I need some pussy!

I am not fuckin you!

What why?

If you really hadn't had sex all this time not once and I know you if you didn't than you didn't even jerk off so that means your extremely backed up and just like how you got out of jail you gone get me pregnant on the first time! Hello no!

What's wrong with that? He laughed.

Everything! I am not having another baby!

You said you'll give me however many kids I wanted.

Yeah and you also said you'd never cheat on me soooo...

What I'm suppose to do?

Porn is free baby go watch some cause this pussy is healing.

What I look like watching porn and I got a whole wife?!

A Nigga that's still in the dog house!

What am I suppose to do to get out? This crazy Des you ain't gone fuck me and you gone keep throwing that shit in my face? What was the point of me coming back?

The point of you coming back is because of our son.! Can we build up our relationship back first. I don't even know if I can trust you Jaxn and you so worried about having sex! I forgave you but I ain't gone never forget! I ain't throwing nothing in yo face you just moving to quick and not looking at the bigger picture. I haven't had sex since the last Time we had sex I know how you feel I need to be fucked to but what we not gonna do is go back to normal fuckin everyday all day like nothing between us happened. You lost that privilege when you decided to step out on me.

But keep bringing that shit up for what though? I know I fucked up. I live with that shit every single day. I go through the fuckin emotions of that shit like it ain't no tomorrow. You was about to divorce me! Trust me this shit had my life all the way upside down I apologized more than a million times. I tried everything I could to let you know I'm sorry. So if we gone be together we together ain't no more throwing that shit in my face if not than I'm gone Des! How we suppose to work towards something new if you always back trackin throwing the shit in my face? Do you want me to leave?


Okay than cut it out.! You accepted my apology and we gone move on from the shit. I hear you on rebuilding ya trust and all that shit so that's what ima work on. And if I gotta wait to get some pussy ima wait I already went this fuckin long. He said sternly. I mean I see where he was coming from but I hope he got my point.

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