Chapter 5: The Dream

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A/n: Updating a little bit more

Third Person POV




Y/n:"OH SHUT UP!" You screamed before smashing the off button to the alarm clock.

Slowly looking up, seeing it's only 8:00 am, as much you didn't want to you had to get up for school.

Today was Wednesday and you going to have a test in some of classes.

But before you can sit up.

Knock Knock knock

Somebody was at your door, Y/n was wondering who it could be, especially at this time in the morning.

???: "Y/n dear?"

It was your mother, she was at your door, but she doesn't walk in, that caught your attention.

Y/n: "Yeah mom?"

Mia: school is canceled for the rest of the day, you can go back to sleep dear

Now that made my morning, no school for today, and thar means that I can sleep in a little bit longer.

Y/n: "Ok thanks Mom love you!"

Mia: "Love you honey!"

As soon as your mom left, you fell right back to sleep, after hearing that there was no more school for the rest of the today.

A few hours Earlier

It was in the middle of the night. Y/n was tossing and turning in his sleep. The 12-year-old boy was covered in sweat. He kept stirring in his sleep, his body was sweating, and his body also shook.

He was having a dream but not any kind of dream. He was having a nightmare or it was something else.

Y/n's Mind

I woke up in the middle of nowhere. I don't know where I'm at? And I was laying in snow! It was so cold. Am I dreaming, this has to be a dream, and why am I out here?

It was very cold.

Slowly I got off the cold ground and slowly began to walk around. Hopefully find a way out and try to get back home. As I was walking I stumbled upon a hill with creepy looking black figures on the side.

As I got closer it appears that they were scarecrows and there was a small fence nearby.

There must be a town nearby or maybe a house! Hopefully whoever lives around here can let me in so I can warm up

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There must be a town nearby or maybe a house! Hopefully whoever lives around here can let me in so I can warm up. The cold air was starting to get to me. I slowly began walking up the hill, but as I was walking, I couldn't get the feeling off that I was being watched.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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