Chapter 25: The Truth

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Liv, 1996

"Liv, do you hear me?"

A bright light flooded her eyes. Faces were staring down at her, silhouetted against the bright light of the windows and the fluorescent lights on the ceiling. She took rapid shallow breaths, and Mr. C's face came into focus. The other bystanders, she didn't recognize.

"Liv, can you hear me?" he said again, his hand squeezing hers.

She didn't know why she was lying on the ground, halfway under a table. Liv heard a man's voice and turned her head to see a security guard standing off to the side, speaking into a walkie talkie. "Looks like she had some sort of seizure. Copy that, I'll ask."

Her heart raced as she attempted to sit up.

Mr. C coaxed her back down. "Slow down, take it easy. What is your name?" He asked.

"My name is Liv. I'm ok, I can get up." She tried to lift herself again but winced at an explosion of pain in her head.

"Hold on a minute, young lady," the security guard said. "I want to wait for some backup."

Liv froze in terror at the authority in his voice. Mr. C stayed smiling, but also looked concerned. Liv trembled in shock and fear.

"Do you know if she's an epileptic?" The guard asked Mr. C.

Mr. C turned his gaze from Liv to look up at the man. "I don't think so."

"I had a panic attack," Liv said.

The guard raised an eyebrow. "That was a panic attack?"

"Yes, I'll be fine. This happens sometimes."

Mr. C loosened his grip on her shoulder and she sat up and drew her knees to her chest. She looked at him pleadingly. Get me out of here, she mouthed.

"Oh yes," Mr. C said, addressing the security guard but still staring at Liv's face. "This happens occasionally to her. I will take her home and make sure she is ok."

"Well, all right then." The guard seemed relieved not to be responsible for Liv's well-being anymore. He turned away and spoke into his walkie talkie again. "Female who fainted is conscious again and says it was a panic attack. No further medical attention needed. Copy that. Roger, over and out."

Mr. C gripped her upper arm and helped her get to standing. Her legs were shaky, and her head was swimming, but she smiled to show she was ok. The bystanders dissipated. One young woman offered her a bottle of water, but she refused it.

"Come on, I'll take you home." Mr. C picked up her backpack and helped her to stand.

Home. Liv didn't want to go back there yet. She didn't want to see Mims right now. The confrontation would kill her.

"Uh, that's ok. I think I'll walk home."

"You are in no condition to walk. Please let me drive you."

Liv shook her head and shuffled her feet. "I really don't want to go home right now."

"I see," he said, picking up on her reticence. "How about I get you something to eat?"

Liv swallowed and nodded. Mr. C reached out and held her arm to steady her.

Liv's headache raged as they drove out of the WSC campus. He must think I am a complete nut job. He had seen her writhing on the floor, screaming, drooling, gasping like a fish. How could he ever have any respect for her again?

"What happened back there, Liv? Was it something about the cult in the article you read?"

Liv sucked in her breath and nodded. Tears pushed around her eye sockets.

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