chapter 1:Betrayal

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Claudia sits on her butt exhausted from hours of exercise as she stares as Annabelle a blonde girl who has been sitting and watching her do her exercise. Claudia couldn't figure out what was on her mind cause her face was blank but just knew that Annabelle never removed her eyes from her when ever she tagged along for her exercise and it has been this way for a few months now. When Annabelle make the decision Claudia was shocked cause she knew unlike her Annabelle hated exercise and found it boring she usually stay that home and waited for her to be back from the gym. Cloudier a 21 year old lady what is an epitome of beauty with perfect curves, she has a long pretty spotless legs Andre Sherman eyes it's well arranged eyelashes all combined in a spotless face. She was someone who cared about her body shape and appearance, her weight and diet where her priorities. She became a model at the age of 18 and since then she had only one person who she loved and cared about mostly in word, Annabelle her girlfriend.
She looked at Annabelle and smiled, damn she really loved her, they both gave up everything to be together "are you going to keep staring or are you going to help me with my bottle of water" Claudia said supporting herself with her hands behind her and a smile on her face
"Am I just sit here and watch you all day cause it gives me pleasure"Annabelle says standing up"but then you might just die of thirst" she picks up her bottled water "here you go"she says handing it over and helps her up.
" careful mama of what you say"Claudia says placing a light kiss on her lips
"What did I say wrong ?"Annabelle says breaking out of the kids
"C'mon you know... talking all naughty and stuff, you can never tell when I'm in the mood"she says placing another kiss on the nape of her neck
"Your always in the mood so it's nothing new"with her hands she gives her a light push to stop the kiss while preventing a hickey"now I think your the one being naughty"
"Maybe, but you started it though " just then Claudia notices a flash of light through the window, she had noticed that someone was taking pictures of her for some time now but she didn't react cuz she knew how the media can be sometimes. She was used to reporters following her about because she was a very important person and a legacy in the entertainment and modelling industry, she was the first person to have one golden medal for three years in a roll, but this was the very first thing a reporter took pictures of her why she was at her private gym , she overlooked it. A giggle escapes her lips at her own thoughts
"What's funny?"With a raised eyebrow Annabelle asks
"It's nothing " Claudia says as Annabelle frowns at her "it's really nothing love" Claudia repeated after she notices the change of our moon, she wondered why recently Annabelle usually gets angry easily. Just as she was lost in her own thoughts Annabelle holds her chin making her to look into her eyes while distracting her from her thought
"Let's head back home since you're done with exercise for the day"
"Why in such a hurry? Am I going to get something special at home?" She winks at her with her cute naughtiest smile
"And your being silly again" rolling her eyes she tries walking out but Claudia holds her hand
"Why being so serious,you know how I love joking around sometimes"
"Yeah right, you joke about literally every single thing"
"Ok fine let's go home "she says picking up her gym bag not really in the mood to argue
"Be fast I haven't got all day"she says heading to the exit door
"Do you have plans for the day?"Claudia asks lifting her bag and placing it on her shoulder
"I've got somewhere to be in the next hour and I won't be back the whole day so don't wait up for me like you always do"
"Where are you going to?"Claudia asks stoping as Annabelle turns to face her
"And when was it a rule that you had to know everywhere I go?"
"Are you for real now?, your my girlfriend so I believe I've got rights to know Incase something happens to you"
"Well you don't have to worry about me ,I'm just going to see a friend "
We both know that since we moved here three years ago we've got no one but our selves. So which friend are you talking of cause I'm your only friend"
"Would you stop interrupting me as if I'm some kind of criminal or don't you trust me anymore?"
"I do but...."
"But nothing" she was close to her now with her hand at the back of waist pulling her close "I don't need you thinking too much about unimportant things ok?"she says placing light kisses on her lip and face.
Claudia didn't feel satisfied with her response and her last action made her to be more suspicious cause Annabelle only does that to distract her attention from something. She decided to keep quiet as they moved to their car, she dumps her bag in the car trunk then she enters the car with Annabelle and drives off .
As they got home Claudia moves straight to the bedroom to have a shower while Annabelle moves into the kitchen to prepare breakfast,Claudia loses her hair letting it fall behind her back ,she had a shiny dark hair with a dyed purple edge . She reaches for the bathroom glass cabinet , opening it she takes out the things she needed for her face and hair. When she was done with her face primers and hair she moves to the bathtub and prepares a worm bath which she sets her self into for a while then she finally starts to bath ,the bathroom door opens as Annabelle walks in closing the door behind her
"Any problem?"Claudia asks not looking at her direction
"Nothing, just wanted to see you before I leave"
"Leaving already?"
"Not yet though ,but I'm done with packing"she says sitting on the bath panel reaching for Claudia's hand and collecting her sponge from her "food is ready" she says rubbing the sponge on a neck, like she was not satisfied she drops a sponge into the water replacing a hands on her neck
"What are you doing?" Claudia says looking at Annabelle with a longing eyes
"What does it look like?" She says moving closer and taking in the sent of her hair "you used the strawberry flavour I like on you"
"Why are you being extra? we both know that you love all the flavours I use on my hair.. at least that's what you told me last night"
"Yeah I do"Annabelle says taking her hands away from the neck and into the water reaching for her breast,a moan leaves Claudia's mouth
"You love the feeling right?"Annabelle ask feeling she was finally getting her mind of the facts that she was leaving
"Yeah a bit too much"Claudia says knowing fully well what she was up to. She moves her hand down to her abdomen tracing circles around it, then she proceeded moving down words but Claudia holds her hand stopping her
"You wouldn't want to go there now baby"she says looking into Annabelle's eyes with a sign of worning.Annabelle understanding the sentence quickly remove her hand and leaves the bedroom. When Claudia was finally done with bathing she reaches for a towel on the rail,she dries her body then puts on her bathrobe moving into the room .
She put on a matching underwear then she moves to her makeup table looking at her reflection through the mirror she applies her body lotion then her makeover. She walks into a closet after few minutes she comes out wearing a purple clinging gown with an off shoulder ,she puts on her jewelry and a golden high heel coupled with a golden hand bag.
When she was through she looks at her reflection in the mirror then walkes out of the room down to the dining room and there Annabelle was, busy with a phone.
"Are you going anywhere today?"Annabelle asks noticing that Claudia was fully dressed
"Yeah I told you last night that I would be going for a shoot today for the competition this year"
"Oh yeah I remember"
"When would you be back?"Claudia asks while eating her breakfast
"Tomorrow or the next maybe not yet sure though"
"Ok then, I'll be off now"
"But you haven't eaten anything yet"
"Not too hungry "Claudia says leaving the house.
Claudia drives into the garage of dream entertainment company, the garage was huge and filled with different cars , she drives to her usual parking space there she sighted her assistant,Clint, waiting for her. As she packed the car he opens the door for her "she travels today you better have good information on where she is heading to"Claudia says stepping out of the car but then he didn't give her any reply so she faced him "Clint!!"she says a low screaming tone
"It's not something ought to be said, I think you should see it for yourself" he says handing her a file which had been in his hand. She collects it from him ripping it open and reaching inside it she bring it out some pictures staring at it her expression changes, she opens the car door and throws the file and pictures into the car
"It's an aberrant behavior, which I think should be dealt with seriously and I wouldn't waste any time if you hand the job over to me to take care of"
"Thanks Clint but everyone has their own choice of life ,so just forget about it and please make sure she gets home safe"Claudia says heading into the building with Clint following behind wondering what kind of person his boss was, he has been working under her for three years now and still he could not understand her but then he had no time thinking about this when there was another issue at hand he wanted to discuss with her
"Emm.."Clint says trying to get her attention and he succeeded cause she stops and turns to look at him
"Anything else Clint?"
"Well .. is the same emails and calls from OP business line company"
"Wait.. isn't that the best oil company in town?"
"Well tell them I'm a screan goddess not an oil advertiser "
"That's not what they are calling for"
"Then what?"they where inside the elevator now
"Their big boss wants to meet you"
"Let there big boss know I have no intentions of meeting him"
"It's been two years now since they have been requesting but I did tell you cause you and Annabelle were in a relationship "
"And what are you trying to say?
"As things aren't going too well in your relationship and the owner of the biggest company in the country is interested in you honestly i do think you should give it a short and if you don't like what ever deal they have for you you can back out"
"No"Claudia says hoping the elevator will open soon cause she knew how persuasive Clint can be
"Come on please this is the biggest shorts for your career and our company you've got nothing to lose"
"Ok fine I will think about it and get back to you but right now I've got much more important things to think of"the elevator opens as she steps out and Clint runs after her in slow steps
"Ok fine I do understand but all you have to do is send a meeting place and time to this the business card and they would meet up with you"Clint says heading over a business card as she pleases it into a handbag
"Now can we get over with today's pictures?"
"Yeah" he says with a smile on his face while opening the door to the studio for her.

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