⚡️ Information ⚡️

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Vega-Nova Cassiopeia Lestrange

1st December 1979

Birth Place
London, England,
Great Britain

Blood Status

Marital Status

Also known as

⚡️ Vega [Nickname]
⚡️ Nova [Nickname]
⚡️ Love [Nickname; by Fred Weasley]
⚡️ Friend of Hagrid [by Aragog]
⚡️ Miss Lestrange [Title]
⚡️ Bellatrix Lestrange's Daughter
⚡️ The Girl Who Lived


⚡️ Miss Lestrange
⚡️ Chaser Lestrange
⚡️ Triwizard Champion

Physical information


Hair Colour

Eye colour
Greyish Blue

Skin colour

Family information
Family members

⚡️ Tom Riddle Junior [father]
⚡️ Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black [mother]
⚡️ Rodolphus Lestrange [foster father]
⚡️ Rigel Lestrange [twin brother] †
⚡️ Cygnus Black III [maternal grandfather] †
⚡️ Druella Black nee Rosier [maternal grandmother] †
⚡️ Tom Riddle Senior [paternal grandfather] †
⚡️ Andromeda Tonks nee Black [maternal aunt]
⚡️ Edward Tonks [maternal uncle, through marriage]
⚡️ Narcissa Malfoy nee Black [maternal aunt]
⚡️ Lucius Malfoy [maternal uncle, through marriage]
⚡️ Rasbastan Lestrange [foster paternal uncle]
⚡️ Carina Lestrange [foster paternal aunt] †
⚡️ Sirius Black [maternal first cousin, once removed] †
⚡️ Regulus Black [maternal first cousin, once removed] †
⚡️ Nymphadora Tonks [maternal cousin]
⚡️ Draco Malfoy [maternal cousin]

Magical characteristics
Death of loved ones by own hands

Wood: Elder
Core: Thunderbird Tail Feather
Length: 15 inches
Characteristics: Unyielding







⚡️ Tonks Family
⚡️ British Ministry of Magic
⚡️ Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
⚡️ Gryffindor
⚡️ Gryffindor Quidditch Team


⚡️ English
⚡️ French


⚡️ Vega-Nova Cassiopeia Lestrange was born in London, England on the 1st of December 1979, to Bellatrix and Tom Riddle Junior, along with a twin brother, Rigel. She and her brother were taken away by Carina Lestrange, who was serving as a double agent for Dumbledore in Voldemort's inner circle.

⚡️ By doing so, Carina blew her cover as she went into hiding with Vega and Rigel to protect them against Voldemort. When the 'Lost Prophecy' was revealed in early 1980, Voldemort tracked Carina, Rigel and Vega down, during which Carina and Rigel were killed while Vega was considered to be dead.

⚡️ Following the death of Carina and Rigel Lestrange, and the imprisonment of Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange, Vega was taken in by her maternal aunt Andromeda Tonks and her family. Her survival was revealed only after Voldemort's downfall.

⚡️ In appearance, Vega resembles her mother greatly. She has the traditional Black family features with thick, wavy black hair, dark grey-blue eyes and white skin. She has her mother's strong jawline and tall height, but has Andromeda's kind eyes and Narcissa's eye colour.

⚡️ Vega is a friendly and kind person who prefers the quiet. She is often overly kind with people and struggles to say no, and prefers to stay in the background blur. She later learns how to stand up for herself and her friends when she realises what she is up against. Despite being level-headed, Vega can happen to have angry outbursts when her loved ones are threatened.

⚡️ Due to her nature, Vega also has a soft spot for animals and magical creatures. At the Tonks' residence, Vega has taken in and out many animals. She also loves to experiment with potions and spells, something that fascinates Ted and Dora but earns dispproval of Andromeda.

⚡️ Vega was provided with Muggle education when she was young and under a disguise from possible death eaters. She also learned how to dance and sing, something she enjoys to do despite her otherwise shy nature.

⚡️ At the age of 16, Vega found out about the identity of her real father, Voldemort, who brought her and her brother into the world due to an unknown prophecy.

⚡️ Vega is also an Obscurial.


⚡️ Wand [Elder wood, thunderbird tail feather core, fifteen inches]
⚡️ Aquila [Pet owl; male]
⚡️ School Bag [Charmed with Undetectable Extension Charm]
⚡️ School Books [Year 1] [Year 2] [Year 3] [Year 4] [Year 5]
⚡️ Wooden Flute [Christmas gift by Hagrid, 1991]
⚡️ Weasley Jumper (x3) [Christmas gift by Mrs. Weasley] [Red with white 'V', 1991 & 1992 & 1995]
⚡️ Weasley Jumper (x1) [Christmas gift by Mrs. Weasley] [Red with white 'V' at back and white lion at front, 1993]
⚡️ Weasley Jumper (x1) [Christmas gift by Mrs. Weasley] [Red with white 'V' at front and white dragon at back, 1994]
⚡️ Nimbus 2000 [Broomstick]
⚡️ Firebolt [Broomstick]
⚡️ Holyhead Harpies Hat [Christmas gift by Harry, 1994]
⚡️ Mismatched Pair of Socks [Christmas gift by Dobby, 1994] [Red sock with broomsticks + Golden sock with Quaffles]
⚡️ Homework Planner [Christmas gift by Hermione, 1995]
⚡️ Wallet with Fangs [Christmas gift by Hagrid, 1995]
⚡️ Family Pictures [Christmas gift by Sirius, 1995]
⚡️ Mini Firebolt Model [Christmas gift by Dora, 1995]
⚡️ Finger Portrait Painting [Christmas gift by Dobby, 1995]
⚡️ Set of 'Practical Defensive Magic & its Uses Against Dark Arts' [Christmas gift by Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, 1995]
⚡️ Ruby Promise Ring [Christmas gift by Fred, 1995]

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