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Date night couldn't come any quicker, and I couldn't tell if I was dreading it or not. Todd knew but he didn't really care, only sharing a somewhat concerned glance before retreating back into his room. I'm not sure why, but there was a strange knot in my stomach. Nervousness perhaps? It had been a while since I had been on a date, and considering my dating history I could only hope that this wouldn't explode back in my face like it did with Johnny.

I sat on the edge of my bed in only my underwear, idly staring at myself in the mirror. I'm not sure how long I was actually staring for, but it was long enough for the picture to seemingly twist and distort until I moved my eyes, at which point it would snap back to a true reflection. It's quite poetic if you think about it for long enough, yet still means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Lovely.

I shook my head and stood up, momentarily glancing at the scar on my torso before looking away, unfortunately, one of the things that didn't disappear with the rest of the distortion. If things went well then I wouldn't get another, but maybe another would cover it up. Wishful thinking, I know, but better than a reminder of any hurt or pain that came with the act of dating. Of course the scar itself is harmless. I have plenty of them that I pay absolutely no mind to, but who it's connected to does. In a way it felt like his last departing gift to me before leaving this world- an ever-present reminder that he would always be a part of me, at least until I die and get one of those fancy band-aids again. Then that would make the endless torture I'll eventually get somewhat bearable.

I threw on some suitable clothes, my hair and such already done, before knocking on Todd's door to let him know I was leaving. He had decided that he'd rather stay home alone rather than get a babysitter, and well I wasn't going to argue since that'd get us nowhere. Hey, it's cheaper to just lock the doors. All he does is spend all day on that computer of his anyways, so as long as the door is locked he can't get into any trouble. Maybe if I get back early enough I'll bring him home some fast food because he eats that greasy shit up. Growing boys need all of the extra growth hormones injected into beef that they can get!

It wasn't long before I had driven myself to the restaurant. As much as I would love to drink to help myself dissociate through this I know things will go much smoother if I have a getaway vehicle. Chuckling to myself I got out of the car and walked into the restaurant. It was one of those places that prides itself in being fancy, but everyone eating there knows that it's all microwaved food and whatever else they get delivered. While waiting for someone to sit me down a glanced around the room, noting that there was a large number of couples— though I guess I'd be joining them in that regard. I was awoken from that little daydream by a waiter asking if I wanted a drink, and only to pass the time I ordered a water. If only.

I sat there for a while, sipping on my drink and tapping my fingers on the table while ushering away the many waiters that tried to make me order. I'm not even sure how long I was sitting there, my mind becoming painfully numb due to the lack of stimulation. I sighed, pushing out my chair and standing up, however, I heard shouting from across the restaurant before I could leave.

"Hey! Y/N, don't leave! Oh god, am I late?!" Isaac ran towards me, putting his hands on the back of his chair. He kept his head down for a minute, heavily breathing while I stood awkwardly. Glancing around I noticed a few people staring, and to be honest, I don't really blame them, but after a quick glare was sent their way they immediately went back to their meals. I opened my mouth to say something, obviously trying to avoid things from becoming weirder but before I could be was already up and lively. "Heh, you know how the traffic is. I'll make it up to you, Y/N, don't worry!" Before I could even say anything he was already behind me, practically shoving me back into my chair and shoving it under the table. He sat opposite me, his hands folded and a goofy smile on his face.

Tachenda (JTHM x Reader part II)Where stories live. Discover now