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In this story I will tell you about a boy named Jaylen Bond and how he grew up to be the hottest but the most athletic football player.Jalyen was the most funniest kid growing up he loved eating and going to the movies but over the years he realized he was being called names like fatty or lazy and more.He had realized that he was getting fatter day by day and he constantly got bullied for it.Jaylen suddenly fell into a deep depression that caused him to loose his friends and his one best friend that stayed felt worried that all of a sudden the class clown is depressed.

Then as time pasts by he starts working on his skills ability and work outs he gets better and through that his friend who is introduced as the protagonist's best friend is named Joaquin king.He was one of the class clowns but you'll find out more in the story.

That is all for my introduction if I get three hearts in this ikk get to the story I need three hearts so I know people are interested in this story and the main character.This is also the protagonist.

This is the protagonists friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2022 ⏰

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