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╰┈➤ ❝ [Everyone looked worse in the light]❞

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╰┈➤ ❝ [Everyone looked worse in the light]❞

TO SAY THAT KIM JI-AN was nervous was an understatement. She was anxious, and it seemed to be obvious to everyone around her, guessing by the way the person beside her was side-eying her as she aggressively tapped her foot against the floor of the bus. Her sweaty hands were squeezing the material of her backpack, needing something to keep herself busy with.

Million of thoughts filled her head as she looked outside the window. Ji-an knew things would not be the same as it used to, and that's exactly what scared her. She was the type that liked routines, in Miami she would wake up, eat breakfast, do online school, and then some days she'll have photoshoots but now? It was different.

Getting off on the stop beside the school, she felt like she was about to puke the orange juice she drank previously in the morning. Never in her life has she felt so anxious, but she knew that facing away from her problems won't solve anything. So, pushing the feeling away, she walked into school. Many whispers and murmurs followed her, students pointing at her left and right.

"Is that Kim Ji-an?"

"She's back?"

"First Lim Jug-yeong and now her?"

"She still looks as stunning as she did the day she left."

"I heard the reason she left was because Lee Suho broke up with her."

The comments bothered Ji-an, but she did her best to ignore them and quickly made her way into the office to grab her schedule.

Strolling in, she stopped in front of the teachers' desks. The woman looked up with an annoyed expression. "How can I help you?"

"I'm here to grab my new schedule, my name is Ki-"

"Kim Ji-an! My second top student is back! I'm so happy to see you!" The principal rudely interrupted as he bolted out of his office and over to the girl.

Uncomfortable, to say anything back Ji-an nodded in response. The principal walked over to a teacher's desk. He took one paper on top of it before handing it over to her. "Here is your schedule, Mr Han here would be your homeroom teacher, he would guide you to your first class, which you have with him." Ji-an thanked him, before greeting Mr Han, who quickly returned it with a very adorable smile.

Mr. Han turned to the principal, "Before we go to class, there's something I need to talk to you in private. It's very urgent." Confused, at Mr. Han's sudden change of mood the principal frowned before nodding.

Excusing themselves, the two went to the principal's office leaving Ji-an alone. This allowed her to read over her schedule. Luckily most of her classes were around the same halls, which gave her less of a chance of getting lost. The door to the office opened, catching Ji-an's attention. Taking her eyes away from the piece of paper, her eyes widened as she made eye contact with the person she least expected to.

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