ˏˋ°6*➷ 𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐲 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞

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   ╰┈➤ ❝ [I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you] ❞

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   ╰┈➤ ❝ [I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you] ❞

A SMIRK MADE ITS WAY into Ji-an's face as she stared at the black and yellow helmet she held on her hands. At school, a very stressed Jug-yeong had informed her about how Seo-jun had been constantly nagging her into giving him back his precious helmet.

So after school the two girls agreed on meeting up at the comic book store, where Jug-yeong could give Ji-an the helmet. Jug-yeong's intention was for the girl to return the helmet and that way, avoid having to confront the angered boy, herself.

But unknown to the girl, Ji-an had other plans.

Hearing a knock on her bedroom door, Ji-an stood up from her bed, "Who is it?!" She placed the helmet on top of her vanity as the person behind the door spoke, revealing it was Chin-Sun.

"Come in!" Sitting back on her bed, Ji-an watched Chin-Sun stroll in with a tray full of food in her hands. The older woman placed the tray beside Ji-an as the girl just stared at her in surprise. "How did you know I was hungry?"

"I figured the reason you didn't want dinner was because of your parents' presence." Chin-Sun explained with her usual soft smile that always made Ji-an feel comfortable. "And you're also always hungry."

At the last sentence a chuckle left Ji-an's mouth. She had forgotten what it felt having someone that knew her. As much as Ji-an liked her time living in Miami, she hated the feeling of coming back to a house where she had no one to talk to. Yes, she didn't live alone, but it wasn't the same.

Ji-an grabbed the tray, placing it on her lap. "You know me so well." She took a bite of food, a groan soon left her lips as she chewed the delicious food. "Thank you so much. I thought I would have to starve until tomorrow."

"No problem, sweetie." Smiling, Chin-Sun gestured down to the tray. "I left my phone number so if you ever need anything you can always text me." Looking down at the tray, Ji-an's eyes fell on the folded piece of paper that laid beside the bowl of rice. As she opened it she saw that there was in fact, a phone number written on it.

"Believe me when I say, I'll be constantly texting you. Especially with my parents being back." Chin-Sun sighed, knowing how rocky the girl's relationship with her parents was, especially her mother.

Turning to the door Chin-Sun said, "I'll leave you alone so you can eat."

Quickly looking up from her plate of food Ji-an shook her head, "Wait, don't leave yet! I don't want to be alone." She made eye contact with Chin-Sun. "Do you know how depressing it feels having to be here having nothing to do? If it wasn't for my parents being home, I would've left already."

"But your parents said-" Chin-Sun started saying before Ji-an interrupted. "Fuck what my parents said."

"Language." The older woman scolded, giving Ji-an a pointed look.

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