3 - Drenched

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It's a Saturday morning, and you have successfully begged Hizashi and Aizawa to go to an outing your friends arranged.

Naturally, Mina invited you over to her house so she can play doll.

The doll being you, of course.

She asked you to bring some clothes so she can pick out some outfits. The ones you brought were the ones Midnight bought for you, noticing they have similar tastes.

"I can't believe you made me wear a skirt," you tugged on the article of clothing, a scowl on your face.

"C'mon, you're supes hot!" She exclaimed, making the irritated expression on your face worse.

The black van Kaminari owned then pulled up in front of Mina's house, the door swiftly sliding open.

Your brows furrowed at the overwhelming cologne scent from the guys.

In the front seat were Sero and Kaminari, looking back to see their friends enter the vehicle. At the back, there's the inseparable duo, Bakugo, and Kirishima.

You and Mina sat on the middle seats, you being the one near the window.

"So glad you could make it, Y/n!" Kirishima exclaimed from behind you.

You nodded with a smile as a response.

"What did you make her wear, Mina?" Sero chuckled, looking at you from the rearview.

"Ain't she pretty?" Mina moved even closer to you than she already was, invading any form of personal space.

"'Course she fucking is, what kind of question is that?" Bakugo says. He rolled his eyes, shooting backward into his seat as the car started moving.

Everybody started cracking up at Bakugo's reddening face. He started screaming at the group in embarrassment, running his fingers through his fluffy hair.

"You okay, Bakubro?" Kirishima drapes his arm over Bakugo's shoulder, patting him lightly.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. No need to be so touchy," Bakugo sighed.

"Shit, it's raining," Mina frowned at the droplets forming on the windows.

"Don't worry! Aren't you proud the resilient, responsible, and handsome Kirishima packed umbrellas just in case?" He said with a smirk, striking a pose similar to All Might.

The group worshipped him like a God.

The worshipping ended when you guys arrived.

The group huddled near the door, ready to exit.

"What the fuck? You only brought 3 umbrellas," Bakugo grimaced as he held the 3 in his hand.

Sero nudged the redheaded boy with his elbow. "Not so resilient and responsible now, hm?" He teased.

"Do you want the umbrellas or not?" Kirishima facepalmed at his own mistake.

"At least he's still handsome," Kaminari backed up.

Kaminari and Kirishima looked at each other before they "made out" jokingly.

Bakugo tossed an umbrella to Kirishima and Sero, keeping the last one for his use.

Mina sided with Kirishima, while Kirishima sided with Sero.

They opened their umbrellas and stepped outside of the van.

You and Bakugo basically had no choice.

You guys followed behind them, squinting to see through the rain.

You hate me, don't you...? - Katsuki Bakugo x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now