CatKitty The Lone Wolf

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Kitty Walks through Her Forest Alone Searching for Food to Eat
She Sniffs that A Deer Is Near by but She Hates Killing Animals She wants to be Friends with but Wolves do Hunt Deer and Moose and Elk and Boar and Fish and Bison and other Animals so

Kitty Crawls towards The Male Deer and Pounces On It and Bites It's Neck and Legs so it does not get away by Killing It and She Starts Chewing and Eating Her Meal Peacefully with Flowers around In The Grass
Kitty Hears Birds Chirping and Snakes Moving around In The Grass and She can Hear Her Fav Friends and Best Friends Chatting and Running and Walking
Kitty Finishes Eating and Jogs to The River Stream To Drink some Water
after She Finishes Drinking She Starts Marking Her Forest against Trees and Rocks and Grass and then She goes Poo In A Hole In The Ground and then Covers It with Dirt and Grass because Kitty Digs A Hole then She Covers It back Up with The Pile of Dirt
Kitty then Walks around The Woods and She Comes across A Cabin that has A Male and Female Dog Laying On The Porch and the Humans also got Two Cats A Male and Female Genders and All of them A Best Friends between Cats and Dogs but they never met A Wolf before but when they saw Kitty The White Wolf they Started Growling and Hissing at Kitty but Kitty She did not Growl or Howl because She kept Quiet

but then The Man and Woman both Heard and then saw Kitty and The Man Held A Gun and The Woman saw that Kitty was No Threat so She said Wait Wait Look at This Beautiful Creature It Is not Growling at our Pets I think It might be Friendly and Curious Hun
The Man says well are You Sure because some Wolves are very Bad and Dangerous towards Animals they never seen or want to Eat for Dinner

The Woman says I'm Sure Babe so Please Lower Your Gun for Christ Sake
The Man says Okay Okay
He puts The Gun On The High Table and Watches as His Wife Walks Forward Slowly and Kitty Tilts Her Head and She Walks Forward as well with The Pets by their Owners Side
Kitty Sniffs The Woman's Hand as She Puts It Out In Front of Kitty's Nose to Sniff It

Kitty POV- I Sniff The Woman's Hand and I Give It A Little Lick to say that I'm Friendly and Loving and The Woman Pat's My Snout and Head and I Purr In A New way but It Dog Purring Totally different than Cat Purring :))

The Man and Woman's Names are Max and Maxi both are Loving,Caring,Helpful,Protective and more just Like Kitty's Personalitys and She made Besties with The Qrooks Family and Kitty's Full Name was KittyCat or CatKitty MaxAbbyQrook
The Male Dogs Name was Max The Female Dogs Name was Maxi The Male Cat was Max and The Female Cat was Maxi I know it The same Name but it's A Family of Maxes haha lol 😂

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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