Pt. 23: Strange Way

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Dusk decided to stay in Adventure City for a while until Night has fully recovered. Zuma insisted on staying as well but knowing his duties as the only water pup, he had to go back with Ryder and the pups to Adventure Bay. Mayor Goodway, Katie, Alex, and Captain Turbot were waiting by the Lookout entrance as they saw their vehicles go on the bridge. Ryder and the pups stopped in front of them as they greeted them and asked where they had went. Ryder and the pups were hesitant but they needed to know. Ryder told them to wait in the lobby as the team returned their vehicles and the pups taking off their suits. They all have a talk about what happened in the lobby by the couch.

Katie: You all look down, guys.

Alex: And Dusk and Night aren't here.

Mayor Goodway: What exactly happened?

Captain Turbot: Something bad, apparently?

Ryder: ...Dusk and Night are staying a few days in Adventure City due to the mission earlier.

Katie: What suddenly brought this up?

Ryder: Earlier, Marshall and Night were going somewhere but along the way, they got pupnapped.

Alex: What?!

Ryder: Night sent out the message of help to Dusk and we started chasing after them. The pupnappers were a bunch of baddies that Dusk and Night had dealt with before when they stayed there to help Adventure City.

Mayor Goodway: Oh dear!

Ryder: When we carried out the plan by the time we got to the pupnappers' place, one of them had injected Night with a sleeping drug and poison. Dusk immediately sped off to the city's hospital and got Night treated right away.

Captain Turbot: Definitely not good.

Ryder: If only we got there in time...

Chase: It's okay, Ryder sir...

Zuma: Night was twying to pwotect his fwiend...

Marshall: All we have to do is-

They get interrupted as Ryder gets a call from his pup pad, seeing that Dusk is calling. He answers it immediately.

Dusk: Hey Ryder. Am I calling at a good time?

Ryder: Not really. We're talking about what happened there to Katie, Alex, Captain Turbot, and Mayor Goodway.

Dusk: Well I'm here to tell you...Night's going to pull through.

Ryder: Wait. Really?!

Dusk: He'll be fine. As long as I keep surveillance and stay beside him.

Zuma: Is he asweep?

Dusk: He is. Better not disturb him.

Dusk ends the call right there as everyone in the lobby rejoiced that Night will be okay. The rest of the pups hug Zuma as the chocolate labrador was tearing up. Ryder reassures the others about the news but wouldn't want it to spread, so they kept quiet about it.

An hour later, Zuma's in his pup house and waits for a call from the wolf pup plush. The moment he wanted to hear it beep, it did. He answers the call but it was Dusk he sees. The human has a smile as the wolf pup was in bed, breathing and sleeping alive and well.

Dusk: I know you expected someone else but knowing how he calls...He'd have his pup tag off.

Zuma: It's...It's alwight, Dusk. It's all good as long as you'we with him.

Marshall, Chase, and Rocky knock on Zuma's door but hesitates to open it. Dusk nods at the chocolate labrador, wanting the three love pups to see how their friend was doing. Zuma opens the door and let them in, the three love pups surprised to see Dusk calling through the wolf pup plush. The door closes as Dusk continues.

Dusk: Doctors say he'll be good to go in a couple days.

Marshall: That's awesome news.

Rocky: Yeah. My best bud can see his man soon.

Zuma: W-Wocky...The chocolate labrador blushes from getting flustered.

Chase: We can't tell Ryder about this conversation, I suppose?

Dusk: Hehe...You're catching up nicely.

Rocky: What do you mean?

Dusk: ...I've done a scan on both of us and...Night's Mighty Energy is doing well but it's being plagued by the poison. If the energy dissipates, he might have trouble recovering or possibly moving at all...

Zuma: So does that mean...

Marshall: If the poison isn't rid of soon-

Dusk: Then he'll likely...pass.

Rocky: Is there anything the doctors can do?

Dusk: I've asked few other doctors who specialize in dealing with substances but...they don't have the vial nor the materials needed at the moment.

Chase: ...Dusk? You don't look too well, either.

Marshall: What do you m-...You're not looking alright...

Dusk: Hehe...This is something me and Night kept secret between you all...Dusk put his hand on Night's paw, holding it gently.

Dusk: Ever since we got separated through the meteor piece...we tried all sorts of connective stuff and...when one of us feels something, the other feels it too. Pain, illness, emotion...Although it feels mental and psychological, we think that if one of us passes...the other might.

Marshall: in other words...

Rocky: One of you goes...

Chase: The other does...

Zuma: Meaning...two lives lost at once...

Dusk: Yeah...As soon as Ryder gets a call from the hospital, tell them. We both didn't like the idea of being separate bodies at first, but found it to be more helpful. Two minds are better than one, they say. I just...can't believe this is how it goes for us. Night...You threw yourself in danger knowing there was no other way out...

Zuma and Dusk tears up as the three love pups hug the chocolate labrador, a tear falls from Dusk's face as he held Night's paw tighter. The tear landing down onto the wolf pup's chest, Night's held paw started glowing white as Dusk's held hand glowed black. Dusk kept crying as he held Night's paw tighter, the group watching in awe as they saw both of them glow. The glow disappeared as Dusk opened his eyes and looked at the wolf pup, a frown on his face as he looks at his best bud. He reacts in shock as he felt the paw he held twitch, soon moving its paw pads onto the human's palm. He looks at the wolf pup's face as the eyes twitched and slowly opened, Night holding Dusk's hand a bit tight. Zuma tears up in joy in seeing Night waking up, the three love pups happy to see so. Night faces the camera as he put on a smile, saying his words.

Night: ...H-Hey...guys...

Dusk & Zuma: Night!

Rocky, Marshall, and Chase: He's awake!

Night: E-Easy on...the ears...

Zuma: Sorry, d-dude...You're finally up...

Dusk: Nice to see you wake up, bud...

Night: Feels nice to still be alive...You told them already...

Dusk: Sooner or later...I felt you going down...

They both giggle as the love pups on the other side of the screen hug in delight and happiness to see their friends doing well now. A doctor comes into the room soon enough and is surprised to see the patient awake so soon. Dusk waves at the screen as the call ends, the doctor and nurse tending to Night. The pups were happy and knowing that Night is awake, they kept this secret. Ryder calls them as they ate dinner, all in high spirits with the other pups and Ryder confused.

We protect those we care and love, and in a strange way...We feel alive because of it.

Part 25. Feels like a good part and if you know what's ahead in the next parts, Christmas preparation and celebration. They'll be up soon enough.

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