Part 3

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letter pushed into the crease of the books pages. Closing the book, he gently replaced it and slipped the letter into a pocket in his shirt. "Found the letter and now the package," Az thought. The package was initially a series of documents. Perhaps it will be bank files or Federal notes? He search the room and checked every nook and cranny. Nothing. Az felt angry and confused. "It should be here", Az looked at the massive bookshelf again. Perhaps it was well hidden by the master of this house. Az exited the study and tried the room next door. It was a guest room, a large maroon bed with beams hold a beautiful navy blue canopy. They were again some display cases containing flowers and plants, less frightening than petrified animals. The master of the house must be a famous doctor or scientist of some sort. Probably another vigilante like Victor Frankenstein. Whoever he was Az pondered the places where the large packages might be. Az unraveled a wrinkled piece of paper. It held the layout of the house and all its contents. The study and rooms and where the most valid places for the package to be. He already checked the study. Now the master's chamber.Az quickly ran down the hall following the map; his padded boots like cat paws. Az leaned toward the door and listen for a couple of minutes. A gentle pattern of someone's breath rose silently from the tense air. Az prayed and entered. On his belt he kept many chemicals used only for dire times such as; hydrochloric acid used for bolt doors and heavy duty metal contraptions, a series of salts that when combined are explosive and a tasteless poison. It was time for the unsavory part of the job.Az unrolled a tiny clear wire over the sleeping master's mouth. Carefully, Az dripped the poison down the wire and into the man's mouth. One drop, sick, two drops, coma, and three, death. Az listen very closely, the soft breaths became ragged. Then there were no breaths at all. Az sighed, "Now for the package."The package lay neatly behind a self portrait of the master."Careful", Az said to himself. He made sure that the hidden door was closed then he and hid behind a large bench to examine his prize. Az smiled, all his work was paying off. Now to escape.

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