Big gay 🤤

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Akaza shook his head vigorously, glaring into Douma's soul. Douma narrowed his eyes. He grasped the smaller male by the throat, pulling him closer. By this point, Akaza was too weak and overstimulated to defend himself against anything. "I'll ask you nicely, darling." Douma plastered a smile across his face. As always, he was faking. When he was happy, he wasn't angry. When he was angry, he was blank faced. When he was sad, he felt nothing. All he ever was was a shell of a person, an empty and barren wasteland. He could never and would never be able to feel. Akaza could tell all of this at a glance. A liar always knows another liar. "God, you're such a fucking poser..." Akaza murmured under his breath. Douma's grip on his throat tightened. "Would you care to repeat that, darling? I'm afraid I was unable to hear you properly." He spoke through gritted teeth. Being unmasked was a major trigger for him. Acknowledging the harsh reality of his situation and all of his fucked up emotions was something he hated. Something he'd ALWAYS hated. Akaza gave no verbal reply. He just stared, too tired to protest. He was visibly furious with the blonde, who merely rolled his eyes, struck him on the back of the neck with the hilt of one of his fans, and knocked him out cold.

Douma made his way towards the base, his cheerful and happy demeanor returning as he had plastered that same devoid smile across his face, carrying his darling in his arms. He burst through the gateway bordering the estate belonging to Muzan Kibutsuji, head of the demonslayer corps. Prior to this, he'd been instructed to report back to him immediately after he'd annihilated the demon. All of the other hashiras were gathered around, awaiting Douma's arrival - Waiting for him to return with the demon's head. Instead, douma walked on in carrying the whole ass demon. Muzan's jaw dropped the moment he laid eyes on Akaza. Low murmurs were heard as douma passed through the crowd, Akaza fast asleep in his arms, having been knocked out cold by the blonde. Douma was acting as though this was no big deal - as if waltzing into a gathering with a live demon in hand was an everyday occurrence. Daki, the pillar of ribbons stepped forward. She was, as to be expected, excited to see douma. He'd served as a father figure for her and her older brother Gyutaro for the majority of their lives - ever since they were accepted into the corps. "Douma! You're finally back! Man, I thought you died back there or some crap. What took you so long?" Douma paused, trying to think up an excuse. Obviously, he wasn't going to announce to his 13 year old daughter that he'd just fucked the dude. "Oh...uh, it was nothing~ just a fairly chaotic battle, that's all~! But I'm fine." He plastered that same sickly sweet smile across his face which he always wore, gazing down at his youngest child. She then shifted her gaze downward, spotting the demon wlaying sound asleep in his arms. She gasped softly, eyes wide with awe. "Oh! Is that the demon you were sent out to kill?" She seemed completely unfazed by Akaza's presence. Douma smiled warmly. "Yep! He sure is." Daki gasped, squealing and clapping her hands together excitedly. "Oh my god, he's GORGEOUS! Does he have a name?" Douma was about to answer before Gyutaro, his oldest rushed over to his sister who was now trying to pet the demon. He grabbed her wrist, yanking her away and locking eyes with douma, visibly terrified. "Douma! Are you fucking insane?? Do you even REALIZE what he is?" Douma smiled. "Yeah. He's a demon!" Gyutaro continued. "Exactly. And the entire REASON why we're working for this corporation is to ANNIHILATE demons from this earth." Douma shrugged. "I mean - master Muzan told me to take care of him. So I did~!" Muzan groaned, facepalming at Douma's stupidity. "Douma, I meant for you to KILL him not bring him home with you!" Douma shrugged once more. "Well, same difference. Anyways," he turned to Muzan. "Can we keep him?" Muzan narrowed his eyes, dumbfounded at this hashira's apparent naivety. He was quick to reply with a no. Of course, douma didn't stop there. Muzan sighed, rocking back and forth on his heels uncomfortably. "Douma. He's a fucking demon, for shit's sake. And a very prominent one at that. What if he kills a member of our corps? What are you going to do then?" Douma's smile never wavered, his voice cool and nonchalant as if this whole ordeal was no big issue. "Relax. If he tries to off anybody here, I'll die with him. That good enough for you?" Muzan hesitated for a moment. Surprisingly, he seemed to be taking the concept into consideration. "Well....okay. Fine. But from here on out, he is your FULL responsibility, assuming he even wants to stay with you." Douma smiled, visibly excited at muzan's reaction. He smiled down at the demon resting peacefully in his arms. He felt so fuzzy inside - so warm and so...happy? Was this joy? Douma hadn't a clue. But he certainly did like it. 

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