Mysta- Mystery-? (Mysta) (🫧)

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Mysta X fem!reader
Requested: no

Warning!: cursing
I wake up to stretching and yawning
"Mysta- Mysta?" I mumble expecting a Mysta to magically appear I look around confused and slowly get out of bed and slipping on my slippers while rubbing my eyes and walking to the bathroom as I brush my teeth i upsettingly sigh and put back my tooth brush in the container before undressing and hopping in the shower I feel the cold water and instantly flinch away while I awkwardly wait for it to get hotter as it gets warmer I let it flow down my gentle smooth skin it burns slightly but relaxes my muscles after awhile I close the shower and step out and grab my towel drying my hair and my skin I put the towel back and put on the clothes I grabbed pulling the underwear on and clipping my bra on and putting some deodorant on I pull my shorts on and pull on a plain white shirt and small belt on around my waist and walk out the bathroom and see a small paper hung on the bedroom door that says
"Enjoy this mystary ;)
Go to the place we first met in <3" the note reads I sigh and grab my bag and start walking to the park
"Fine.. I'll play your little game Mysta.." I think to myself as I'm stopped at a green light as the cars pass it lightly starts drizzling I sigh even harder and hang my head lower staring at the concrete ground the light flickers and then turns red and the cars come to a stop I start quickly walking across and heading to the park as I scroll through tiktok occasionally liking a video but soon I come across an upsetting video that's making fun of me and calling me a pick me for hanging out with luxiem and flirting with Mysta I roll my eyes and put my phone away and focus on walking as the lights around flicker I eventually get tired of waking so slowly so I hold my umbrella and start sprinting towards the park occasionally stepping in puddles and getting weird looks from people I stop to take a breath on a sidewalk and lean down to tie my shoe and the stand up stumbling a bit before starting to run to the park again stumbling on rocks and cigarettes event I get to the gate of the park to see an orange fox gate sitting under the tree me and Mysta met at I slowly walk over stepping on the mud and rocks as the rain falls on my umbrella loudly i crouch down and lift up the hat to see yet another note
"Did you enjoy the walk here? I sure hope the weather wasn't to bad now look closer at the rose!
The note read I looked at the rose and smiled as I picked it up and looked at the tag
I guess that's where I'm supposed to go.. I assumed and grabbed his hat off the floor putting it on my head instead I pick up the rose and carefully hold it in my hand trying not to break it I step out the park and start sprinting towards the flower shop occasionally stepping in puddles excitedly I see the flower shop and I slow down holding on to Mysta hat worried the winds gonna blow away the hat i open the door to the flower shop putting away my umbrella shaking it before entering and smelling the beautiful aroma of flowers all around me and the warmth of the heaters filling my body making me shiver in response I walk up to the counter and the worker there looks at me confused for a second and then it seemed like a lightbulb went off in their head before going to the back and pulling out a huge box of different flowers and a note she hands it to me and winks
"A lovely guy came in today and told me to hand these to you if I saw you!" She smiled before going to help another customer with their order i sit down at a chair near the window and pull out the note and start reading
"Congrats! You made it this far.. I hope you didn't have trouble getting these flowers now.. do you know which ones my favorite?"
I giggle like a child and put the note aside before taking a quick glance outside to see that the rain has stopped and theirs a beautiful rainbow in the air that disappears soon after I noticed
I bet he didn't plan that.. or did he? No that wouldn't make sense he can't predict the weather I thought and sighed at the stupid thought before digging through the flowers and finding his favorite
"Roses..? Nah that's my favorite.. Sunflowers..? Not quite.. Carnations? Nope nope... Chrysanthemums..? Definitely not I don't even think he can spell that.. Daisies? No but it's definitely one of my favorites! I'll keep that for later... Lavenders..? That has to be it!" I mumble as I dig through the Box and grab a lavender flower to see another note that says
Love is like wildflowers, it's often found in the most unlikely places."
-P.s I love you ;P
I softly laugh to myself before grabbing the notes and putting them in my pocket and grabbing the flowers and my umbrella
My hands are really getting full.. I think to myself as I start walking around looking for the thrift store just assuming that's what he meant by random places.. I mean you find a lot of random stuff at thrift stores.. I look around confused before realizing it's right next door I turn around and start walking about 2 shops down and I open the door and start looking around until a worker calls me over and hands me something I looked confused but before I can ask he walks away hiding a smile. I go to a corner and set down my stuff and look at what he handed me
(It's a snow globe with f/c heart glitter with a mountain inside)
I immediately get what the mountain means and grab my stuff and start running toward the mountains slightly annoyed that I have to walk so far with my hands so full.. and I know what your wondering how do I know what mountain to go to? I don't I'm just assuming it's the one he took me on a date to in our first month of dating
This better be the last thing or I'll just quit and go back home!... I think to my self annoyed but yet happy that he went through all this work just for me? I'm getting butterflies at the thought as I'm walking through the streets in the now sunny weather I'm getting a lot of stares.. I mean it's understandable I'd be concerned and staring aswell if someone looked like this on the streets

(Amazing drawing by me) I laugh to myself and finally arrive at the mountain, stepping on the rocks and grass I inhale deeply and look at the sky noticing that it's already turning sunset

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(Amazing drawing by me)
I laugh to myself and finally arrive at the mountain, stepping on the rocks and grass I inhale deeply and look at the sky noticing that it's already turning sunset.. I've been running around all morning I slowly start stepping up the mountain looking for Mysta to appear I look around and decide to go to the top of the mountain... eventually I see a shadowy figure who turns around and laughs as they see me approaching
"Well..! Looks like you solved this mystary! Get the joke? Mystary cause you know myst-"
"I get the joke.. but did you really do all this for me..?" I ask looking around at the picnic he has set up and I look at the food a bit worried and then the box of flowers and the hat
"I'd do anything for you!.." he whispers before pulling me in a hug and squeezing me
"Oh and don't worry about the food I ordered it.. I know how much you dislike my cooking" he adds on as I laugh to myself wishing to never let go of his warmth..

BAM. I DID IT! AFTER WEEKS I FINISHED THIS ONE💀💀 I hate this one it was such a basic plot :,) I just thought it was cool cus Mysta's a detective and I really wanted to make one called mystary and I really hope people get the joke bc if they don't and they think I just misspelled mystery I will deadass cry 😄😄 PLS I NEED REQUESTS THO ANYTHING YOU REQUEST I WILL DO EVEN IF ITS LIKE THE SADDEST THING EVER OR THE HORNIST THING EVER JST PLS..

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