🦸‍♀️Mister Glassman🦸‍♀️

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"H-Huh? Where- Where are we?"(Midoriya)

He opened his eyes and looked around, he and Bakugou were there along with people he'd never met before, .. he blinked confused before he read a note out loud

Skippity skip.

Mister Glass Man

"Let's paint a picture! Your in class!"

Midoriya was seen sheepishly sitting in the back of his middle school classroom

"Damn, it's about the nerd!"(Bakugou)

"The teacher writes the notes too fast! And there's a boy who sits in back, who's too afraid to raise his hand!"

"Sounds like you."(Bakugou)

"T-Thank you Kacchan!"(Izuku)

"It's not a compliment."(Bakugou

"And ask if she can slow it down, so nervously he looks around, can't bare to stand out in the crowd and he's only gotten half the notes now."

A book was seen in a small koy pond, it seemed to have burn marks on it as well as water damage

"My hero analysis!"(Izuku)

"You have a book about heroes! That's so manly!"(Red head)

The school bell rings and he looks deflated, looks at his hand, he should have raised it.. his biggest fear he should have faced it, now he's lost inside the pages~

In order images appeared, a bell ringing, a sparking hand on his shoulder with a yelp of pain and then a silhouette of Bakugou, followed by a notebook hitting the floor.

Midoriya was seen in the crowd at Mount Lady's debut

He might be there but you'd never notice! Got a lot to say but he's soft spoken, he's a book it just isn't open, a tiny ripple in a stormy ocean~

Midoriya was seen in another crowd, staring wide eyed at the suffocating Bakugou as a villain made of slime tried to take over his body

He charged towards through the crowd

Mister Glass man..

He threw his backpack at the villain

"Holy shit-! Dude use your quirk!"(Electricity hair man?)

"I don't have one.."(Izuku)

"Yeah the loser is quirkless."(Bakugou)

He's really soft spoken! You'd never notice glass unless it's.. B R O K E N.

The screen instantly changed to Midoriya with red lines across his arm as he screamed at the top of his lungs and punched a massive robot, the bones in his arm and legs completely shattering from his sheer power as the air compressed around his fist, shooting cuts if wind in each and every direction, the massive robot curled in on itself as it was knocked back and shattered apart within a second.

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