1k special!

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I decided to do a tanjiro x reader for the 1k special.... What should the 2k one be?

You just came back from a mission slumped and tired. "Tanjiro! Im home!" You yelled out. He came running down the stairs along side nezuko. The others went on a mission. "(Y/N)-CHAN! YOUR BACK!" Nezuko said. (I'm gonna stop the (y/n) thing so it will just be y/n or y/n-chan... also nezuko is still a demon but she can talk.)

"Hey nezuko!" You said to the child. (Ok shes like 14 in demon years but in human years she's 12)

She hugged you and dragged you upstairs leaving tanjiro by himself. Nezuko shoved you into tanjiros room leaving you confused. "STAY HERE!" She said. A couple minutes later tanjiro walked in to you sitting on his bed. He held (f/f) in his hand and smiled at you. "H-hey y/n-chan. U-uhm these are for you." He said nervously. "H-huh? What for?" You asked. Tanjiro came up in front of you and got on one knee. "Y/n, ive realized thay your the only girl ive been attracted to, you beautiful, smart, kind, strong, brave, and more! This little crush i had has turned into love for you, so.. Y/n l/n, will you be my girl friend?"....

You couldn't believe your ears, tanjiro kamado just asked YOU out. "T-Tanjiro! Yes! YES! I will be your girlfriend!" You were so happy, you've liked tanjiro since you guys met so this was exciting for you! Tanjiro then handed the (f/f) to you and hugged you.

Idrk how to write fluffy stuff so here ya go, sorry its short i just got home from school and yes i have school on weekends now- ive been really busy and short chapters are coming soon, but obv i just said short so dont get mad at me bc they are short. Math is shit and i hate it-:,<

Kiumie out!

Word count : 340

haikyuu x KnY reader  {DISCONTINUED, IM RE MAKING IT!}Where stories live. Discover now