Prologue p.1

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Wasp stared at the fire surrounding her and her sister, Bumble. "Don't worry, Bumble, I'll keep us safe!" She said, while looking for their mother, Storm. The gray pelt of their mother should be easy to see against the bright orange fire.

"There she is! Mama!" The small sandy-ginger tabby called out. Storm came closer, and soon got to them, picking up Bumble quickly. Wasp had faith that Storm would come back for her, but soon realised she wouldn't.

See, Wasp was smart for her age, and she saw as soon as Storm left the burning barn, she wasn't coming back. Storm hadn't even turned around.

A blazing beam fell down in front of Wasp, followed by another. There was no chance Wasp was getting out that way. She quickly looked around, spotting a window in the roof. It was her best chance.

Wasp ran around, looking for a way up. She found one soon enough, it was a stack of crates piled up, onto the second floor, near the roof. She rushed towards it, dodging the fire spreading all around her, the smoke clouding her vision and rapping around her lungs like little devils, trying to kill her.

Wasp hopped up the stack of burning crates, and onto the second floor, running past her old nest. Large splinters exploded against the window as Wasp got there. The shards pierced her skin, but at least she could get out of the flaming barn now.

She dropped onto the far away ground, and shook her pelt to get rid of the loose glass. I'll get rid of the others when I find a place to stay. Wasp thought forcefully, and turned in different directions, spotting a forest. Perfect she thought, racing towards it.

The small, injured kit got to the forest soon enough. She entered the forest, and found a small ravine filled with all different cats. She'd never seen so many cats in her life. Like, ever. Wasp's eyes widened in amazement, and she slowly crept into the small ravine.

Another small kit-a silver tabby-came up to her, and greeted her happily.
"Hello! I'm Jaykit, who are you?" They questioned Wasp.
"I'm... Wasp...!" She forced herself to smile, and saw the other kit was blind. She didn't bring this up, as it could be a sensitive topic to Jaykit.

"Okay! You wanna meet my leader, Firestar?" He asked Wasp.
"Oh, uh, sure!" Wasp smiled at Jaykit, not that he could see, but she still did.
"C'mon, follow me!" He trotted of, and Wasp limped after him. He seemed to hear this, and turned to ask her if she was alright. She quickly replied that she was fine.

Wasp felt kind of bad for lying, but she didn't want to be a burden. It was a habit she'd picked up from the barn, and her mother. Wasp quickly followed the other kit to a tall rock jutting out of the ground.

"This is the High Rock, and that's my leader, Firestar!" Jaykit turned to said Firestar, raced over to him, using smell and hearing to know where he was. "Firestar!" The little kit called up to the taller tom.

"Hello, Jaykit. Who's this?" He glanced up at Wasp, as she bent down a bit. Jaykit turned to me and looked back at Firestar,
"This is Wasp! She came here just a bit ago!" Firestar smiled at Wasp.

"Hello Wasp, may I ask what you're doing away from your parents?" He asked the blood-covered kit.
"My- my father... I don't know where he is... I don't know where my mother is either..." tears started welling up in Wasp's eyes.

"Hey hey, don't cry, you can stay here!" Firestar reassured her.
"R-really...?" Wasp's voice was choked with pain and sadness mixed into one, causing her to stutter. FireStar's smiled warmly at Wasp, and said,
"Of course you can! I'm sure everyone will be very welcome to you!"

Wasp returned the smile, and Firestar helped her to the med-den.
"You'll need to get that glass out of your skin before it gets infected" he had said. Wasp entered the med-den, and Firestar helped her into a nest, to which she said,
"I can do that myself! I'm not a little ki- okay, I am, but I can do that myself!" She lay in the nest and waited for Firestar to get the med cat.

He soon came back with the med, who had been out collecting herbs. They were a brown tabby cat with a cream underbelly. In Wasp's opinion, quite pretty, with her sleek body, and soft-looking fur. Wasp smiled at them,
"Hello!" She called upwards. The med-cat smiled warmly back at her, and Firestar left to take care of the clan.

"Hello little one," they spoke softly towards her. The she-cat's voice was like peaceful music to Wasp's ears, and she hummed in a response, her smoke blocked throat stopping her from speaking any other words.

The med cat frowned, and went to get some herbs, soon coming back with some unknown herbs to Wasp. She took out the glass from Wasp's pale, ash covered skin. She then placed the herbs all together in a mash, and placed them against her skin.

A sense of relief rushed over Wasp, as the cold herbs gave a sense of freedom from the pain and agony of her wounds. Wasp soon drifted off into sleep, with the sound of the soft-speaking, brown furred med working in the background.


When Wasp woke up, the med came over to her, and when Wasp tried to thank her, all that came out was a cough. The med cat trotted over to the shelfs again, got some honey from it, giving some to Wasp to help her with her throat.

Wasp smiled at her, and lay her head back down onto her paws. She rested her eyes again, as her sleep was restless and kind of uncomfortable. Leafpool went back out, probably to get more herbs, Wasp assumed. She stayed there for a while, in comfort, and warmth, with her eyes closed, yet not drifting into sleep.

-timeskip brought to you by my death-

Soon Leafpool came back with many herbs, and a small, gray-furred kit trailing behind her. "Hello again little one," Leafpool whispered lightly. Wasp smiled at her, and then at the smaller grayish-blue kit.

"Hi Jaykit!"


Lemon: Holy- wait... that's part ONE of the prologue. Fennec...

Fennec: ye?

Lemon: how many parts are there gonna be of the prologue...?

Fennec: I dunno- I mean... we gotta get to this part, so soon I guess-?

Coral: wtf- I just woke up... what are you *looks up* HUH?! WHAT?! Fennec!

Fennec: why is everyone yelling at me :(

Lemon: wait, you just woke up?

Coral: yeah?

Lemon: it's f-king 6pm. How.

Fennec: okay- bye everyone!

Word count: 1154 words

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