Prologue p.2

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Soon Leafpool came back with many herbs, and a small, gray-furred kit trailing behind her. "Hello again little one," Leafpool whispered lightly. Wasp smiled at her, and then at the smaller grayish-blue kit.

"Hi Jaykit!"

Wasp snapped her sore neck over to face Jaykit's direction, and smiled, a few bits of hardened, light gray ash falling off her light gray and ginger-striped fluffy fur. Her tired eyes closed slightly, but opened quickly when her throat started feeling scratchy. Huh, that's weird. I'm sure it's nothing.

Jaykit softly smiled back at her, turning so that Leafpool couldn't him smile. His smile... my throats getting sorer... Wasp's eyebrows furrowed, the scratching was getting so bad that she wanted to cry.

Tears started welling up in her eyes, and she turned away, coughing quietly. Those quiet coughs turned loud, and she started coughing up blood. Leafpool looked over to Wasp, concern dancing in eyes. A few sunflower petals and seeds came out of her mouth, and a lot of blood.

"Wasp! Are you alright?" Jaykit ran up to her, and wrapped his tail around hers, licking some of the blood off of her chest.
"Wasp, come here quickly." Leafpool commanded of her.
"Y-yes ma'a- Leafpool" Wasp groggily answered, sloppily walking over.

Leafpool gave her a strange herb, that didn't seem to be used often.

"Hanahaki disease."

Sorry it's short, I just have no fvcking motivation, so your getting this shit

Word count: 245 words

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2022 ⏰

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