The arrival

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we find ourselves in a plane flying to the Alola region, who is in that plane? Well it's no other then our young trainer, Ash Ketchum!

Iris, a young dark-skinned girl with purple hair, whom traveled along with him in the Unova region, was sitting besides him. It was currently day-time and the plane was only 1 hour away from arrival. But of course, our young trainer was not just by himself, he was also with the rest of the masters class!

Diantha and Cynthia were sitting behind ash.
Diantha, was the Kalos champion, as well as an actress. While on the other hand, Cynthia was the sinnoh champion.

there was also more, like Leon, Steven, lance, and Alain, which were all sitting in front of them

Ash was extremely excited to go back to Alola, after all, he did go there before, and has lots of great memories there! He also had his Pokemon there, and he couldn't wait to see them!

Ash: "going back to Alola... "this is gonna be fun, right buddy?"

pikachu: "pika-pika-chu!" (yup! Sure is)

Cynthia: "someone's excited, aren't we?"
Ash: "uhh..." * Cynthia and Diantha laughed

Intercom: "hello all passengers, we are now 20 minutes away from landing, please be prepared to exit soon, thank you"

Steven: "finally, I could use a vacation!"
Lance: "almost there already? Time flies.."
Iris: "I am so excited!!"

20 minutes later...

Intercom: "all passengers, we are now landing. Please take all your luggage, thank you for flying with galar airlines"

Ash: "Alola here I come!"
Iris: "such a little kid.."
Iris: "I'm speaking the truth!!"
Cynthia: *face palm*

the group finally landed in Alola, and they were currently at mele-mele island.
Alain: "so where exactly are we going now?"
Cynthia: "well, we were gonna go to the Pokemon school first, since ash did wanted to see his friends, no?"
Ash: "yup! race you there!"
Iris: "HEY!! Get back here!"

Lance: "there they go..."
Leon: "well, we should be following them, right?"
Diantha: "oh yeah! Let's hurry!"

Now, all of them were rushing too the pokemon school, but...
Ash: "huh, it's empty?"
Iris: "don't you guys have days off?"
Iris: ...

just then, the rest of the group was just coming right behind them.
Diantha: *panting* "is...this...the place?"
Lance: "I would assume so, but it's empty?"
Ash: "so you see..."
Iris: "it's the weekend, so they aren't here"
Cynthia: "so you made us run all that way for NOTHING?"
ash: "oops?"

Leon: "well, where would we go from now?"
Steven: "I don't know, but I say we go get some food"
Ash: "yes! I'm starving.."
Iris: "me too..."
Alain: "ash, do you know a restaurant we could go to?"
Ash: "yes! It's my friends restaurant, and she and her dad makes really good food!"
Leon: "great! Let's go there!"

So now the group was walking towards Aina's Kitchen (mallows restaurant) though, someone was currently on the shift there, who exactly? Well..

Mallow: "order up! Here's your berry-topped poni radish!"
customer: "thank you dear!"
tsareena: "tsareena!" (No problem mam!")
*opening door sounds*
Cynthia: "oooh, I like the way this place is decorated!"
Ash: "oh, look! HI MALLOW!"
Iris: "that's your friend? hi!"
mallow: *starstruck* "h-hi.."
Diantha: "is she okay?"
mallow: "oh sorry! go ahead and take your seats!"

Everyone in the restaurant was starstruck, I mean.. the regional champions were in their presence

mallow: "ash... since when did you know the regional champions?..."
ash: "it's a long story..."
iris: "well ash used to travel with me in the Unova region.."
mallow: "WHAT? You traveled with the new unova champion?"
ash: "yes?"
mallow: "and you didn't tell any of us?"

ash: "well... I traveled with iris before she was champion... so I didn't really know..."
mallow: "oooh..wait! Sorry, what would you guys like to order?"
Diantha: "I'll take a pinap juice please"
Cynthia: "same for me"
mallow: "sure!"

a few minutes later

mallow: "order up!" Here you go miss Diantha and Cynthia... it's an honor!"
Cynthia: "no need for formality, you may just call me Cynthia!"
Leon: "can I have a berry-topped poni radish?"
mallow: "o-oh, yes! Of course" she was still startled from the fact that the regional champs where there...

Steven: "that was amazing, you were right ash."
Ash: "I always eat here, of course!"
Iris: "Can we order take-out...?"
Cynthia: "sure, I need one of those poni radish's!"
ash: "oh mallow! do you know where everyone else might be?"
mallow: "I'm afraid I don't.. I wish I could go with you but I have to stay here and help my dad, sorry!"
ash: "no worries! See you later mallow!"
mallow: "bye!"
mallow: "hm? Oh yes! Order up!!"

*door closing sounds*

I'm getting unmotivated I'll end this part here.
I probably am gonna add more but, I'm busy at this moment so I'm sorry! Also correct me if anything is wrong in this story. I'll try to fix it! but for now.. byeee!

Word count: 848

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