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Name:John Redgrave

Race: Hybrid

Gender: Male

Family: brothers Dante and Vergil, nephew Nero, father Sparda, step mom Eva, mother Rachel Redgrave.

Codename: Spider Slayer

Titles: Son of Sparda, The Ultimate Spider Slayer

Powers: Superhuman Strength,Superhuman Speed,Superhuman Stamina,Superhuman Durability,Superhuman Agility,Superhuman Reflexes,Wall-Crawling,Biological/Organic Webbing Generation,Healing Factor, demon magic, Spirit Swords, Camouflage and Venom blast.

Skills: Hand to hand combat, master swordmen

Styles Trickster, Sword master, Royal Guard, Darkslayer.

Spider suit

Spider suit

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Devil arms



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Devil Trigger

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Devil Trigger

Sin Devil Trigger

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Sin Devil Trigger

Sin Devil Trigger

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Devil Sword John

Devil Sword John

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Spider slayer Where stories live. Discover now