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(Slight TW for parents arguing!
Also Xingqiu kinda starts off as a jerk lol)

Today was already off to a rough start. You woke up to the sound of your parents fighting.

You hated when they fought.

You couldn't get back to sleep now that you were awake, so you decided to sneak out through your window to get away from the stressful place you called home.

You sighed deeply as you made your way in the opposite direction of your house. It didn't matter where you ended up, as long as you finally found a place to breathe peacefully.

Your legs finally stopped after about 20 minutes of walking as you finally found a place to rest. There was a peaceful stream that reflected the light of the bright sun and the delicate clouds that gently danced across the beautiful morning sky.

You sat down next to the stream on the soft, slightly dewy grass.

You hummed happily at the beautiful view you were witnessing and took a deep breath to appreciate your surroundings.

'I wish life was always this peaceful.' You thought to yourself as your mind went back to what happened this morning. Your smile slowly faded as your mind started overflowing with thoughts about what could be happening.

As you were lost in thought, a figure appeared behind you, noticing the worried look on your face.

The figure quietly approached you from behind without catching your attention. The figure put his hands on your shoulders gently with a smirk.

You jumped and fell into the gentle but cold stream. You looked up at the figure who was now on the ground laughing.

It was your best friend, a boy with navy blue hair and a stupid haircut. 'Xingqiu...' You thought to yourself, glaring at the boy with fury in your eyes.

"I'm sorry- I just- I couldn't help myself." He said in between catching his breath from laughing so hard. You clenched your fists at the oh-so familiar smirk of mischief plastered on his face.

He got up and reached out and grabbed your arm, attempting to pull you out of the stream.

"I can do it myself." You said as you loosened his grip on your arm and pulled yourself out.

The look of happiness on his face immediately disappeared as he realized you didn't find it as funny as he did.

"Hey, are you alright? I didn't mean for you to fall in the stream.." Xingqiu's voice was gentle and kind.

You didn't seem to care, though. No matter how genuine he was, he still did scare you and you ended up wet, on top of all that, you woke up in a bad way.

"I'm not in the mood." You stated plainly.

His face now grew worried as he tried to think of what he could do to make you feel better.

"I noticed you were worried and just tried to take your mind off of things.." Xingqiu said as he started taking off his jacket thingy.

You were looking away, trying to keep the tears filling your eyes from spilling out.

"Here." Xingqiu started to take off your jacket as well and replaced it with his in an attempt to keep you warm.

"Now, I'll be here whenever you're ready to talk, okay?" You could hear the gentle smile on his lips and an undertone of genuine concern in his voice.

It took you a few minutes until you couldn't take it anymore and moved to the boy that was sitting a few feet away and buried your face in his beautiful white shirt.

He gently stroked the top of your head as he held you in his arms.

His shirt was soon soaked in the tears of his best friend, which made him feel all the more guilty.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N)... I really am." His voice sounded almost as if he was trying to keep it steady.

He hated when you cried, especially if it was his fault. It wasn't entirely him, if it were any other day, you may have even pulled him in with you in a teasing manner. Maybe even called him a name.

You held onto him tighter and pulled him down to the ground so you both could be more comfortable.

Xingqiu smiled slightly at your antics but went with it. After a few minutes in silence, you finally spoke up. "I'm sorry I reacted the way I did. I know you didn't mean any harm, but today started off on the wrong foot."

You began to explain to him how you were feeling and why you were feeling that way. He listened intently to your problems while he stroked your head to comfort you.

When you finished talking, he reassured you and told you that it made sense for you to react the way you did, and reaffirmed your feelings.

You pulled away to face him with a soft smile. "You make it so hard to be mad at you, ya know." You said with a hint of sarcasm in your voice.

He smirked at your comment. "I know. I'm just too irresistible."

You laughed at his remark and put your hand on his cheek, stroking it with your thumb. Your cold hand soon warmed up with his face as your thumb glided across his cheek.

"You truly are." You said under your breath but loud enough for him to hear. It caught both you and him by surprise, as you didn't mean for the words to leave your mouth.

He chuckled. "Oh, you think so?" The mischievous look began to reappear on your face. He'd either 1: use it as blackmail, or 2: tease you about whenever you least expect it.

"No, I just wanted to see your reaction." You said in a hardly convincing way. 'Nice save, (Y/N), nice save.' You thought sarcasticly to yourself.

"Mhm." He hummed, not convinced at all.

He stopped petting your head and grabbed the hand that was stroking his cheek.

"You're still quite cold. Come here." He said as he pulled you into him again.

Your face warmed up as your face was now very close to his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around you to warm you up.

You were very comfortable and leaned your head into the crook of his neck. He adjusted his head to make you more comfortable.

Xingqiu could feel your breath on his neck, which made him blush a bit.

Before either of you had realized, you had fallen asleep. When Xingqiu realized, he chuckled quietly and kissed your forehead and rubbed your back gently as to not wake you.

Finally, everything was perfect <3



I might make a more fluffy version of this, but for now you can have this slightly angsty one.

I think I've been suffering from writers block I can't seem to come up with anything but if you have any requests, PLEASE DON'T HESITATE TO TELL ME <33 (unless it's 18+ bc that makes me uncomfy)

Constructive criticism is welcomed!!

TYSM for all your support, it's greatly appreciated!! Y'all are so sweet <33

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