Part 1

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On the water in an 80's boat I was at the wheel as brat stood to my right staring at the ship transporting the dumon diamond through binoculars.
(Clive was back at the lair cooling off cause he got gum stuck in his circuit)

With a small chuckle he blew a bubble and began talking. "You know what babe, playing a villain on tv was fun. But being one in real life is even better!" He shouts and like always it's fun to see him get so energetic, "HISET MUSIC" he yells get himself hyped and I press play on only for Take My Breath Away by Berlin to start playing. 'Hu?' I then took out the tape, seeing it was still on the love music.
"What was that? How is THAT hiset music?" He complained, so I smack the tape back in the right way then poked him in his chest. "Don't get all embarrassed that you like such cheese songs" I say, yet before he could say anything I put the boat into drive and sped off as Michael Jackson's Bad started to play.

As we got closer and closer to the ship, Brat ran to the side of the boat and activated his water skis as he put on the hood of his wet set, and like always wanting to be extra, backflip into the water.
As brat swam I drove to the other boats on the water to stop them from sounding any alarms. "Alright let's do this" I say grabbing an interesting purple and pink gun, and once close enough to the ship I shot 3 gum pieces onto the side, which then inflated and began to grow tilting the ship to its side.
This gum was rapidly-expanding bubblegum, credit of making this weapon house go my dear hubbys show

There was only one problem, as the 2 of us carried on with our hiset the AVL got an alert somehow and we're now serving the ship bratt went after, just covered in pink bubblegum. The AVL director himself Silas ramsbottom walked up to one of the women working as she alerted him to the ship, saying it looked to be being attacked by a sort of monster, but then realization struck Silas "wait that's not a monster" he then gesture for the woman to move over which she did and he enhanced the photage "that's a man wearing shoulder pads!"
Turning around he acknowledged that there was only one supervillain whose fashionsense was that outdated, and said villains partner in crime "Balthazar bratt and Hypno". Then an agent showed him the news of the dumon diamond being on said ship, which didn't help the situation. Silas then reaches for an intercom that connects to all agents in rage "I want every agent on the seas, IMMEDIATELY!"

Back with me and brat all the ships were lopsided and I was now driving back to the main ship.
Then my watch began to ring as a brats voice came over it. 'Y/n, avl agents coming this way, we're are you?' He asked so I spoke up, "I'm driving back now". I then saw throw my glasses that in the distance x villain gru (aka the lamest villain ever) and agent wild coming. 'Babe, drive the boat away to keep agent wild busy, I'll take care of gru' he said and with that the call ended.
Then the sound of an explosion rang out as I looked back to see water flying in the air, and then a water bike coming straight for me. "AGHH" I screamed and sped off with agent Wilde following after.

About 1-2 minutes had gone by and I was still getting chased by wild, even though I was driving around the knocked over ships. Then I remembered the bubblegum gun and grabbed it, but when I tried to take a shot it missed, "dang" I then tried to shoot another but I still missed.
3 more tried and each times I kept missing, and I'm still driving so that adds to the difficulty, "why do I suck at this now?" I asked and then made a sharp turn as I almost ran into one of the tiped over boats. But agent wild wasn't so lucky as I heard a splash then a crash, "okay... he" I chuckled as I imagined her face.

After another minute of driving I finally stopped the boat and clicked on my watch. "Brat, are you okay?" I asked but there was just ringing, 'hu? Am I too far?' I then start clicking random stuff on my watch to try to get any connection to my husband.
"Y/n!" Someone shouted and I looked up from my watch and my glasses detected brat in the air using his rocket shoes and glide suit, which explained why he didn't answer.
When he flew down I noticed he didn't have the diamond, but instead a biggish bruise on his face, "oh, babe are you okay?" I asked but when I reached for him he took my hand "I'm okay" he then pulled me towards the wheel, but I looked back at him "are you-" he then kissed my cheek as his arm fell around me "I'm okay" he said once again, and I drove us away.

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