Attack on Busan

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Busan, Republic of Korea
45 Sajik-ro, Dongnae-gu, Sajik Baseball Stadium
April 7th, 2008

The Baseball stadium was at its peak capacity as this is a very important baseball tournament they had to watch since it is a game between the Seoul Baseball Team and Busan Baseball team, respectively. Some would still enter the stadium to get the remaining seats available, and others were trying to buy snacks and drinks for the big game that was about to start. Police, Paramedics, and Firefighters on the event were on standby in case something happens inside the stadium.

Outsider vendors, knowing the huge profit it would generate as usual, sold their products outside the grounds of the Baseball stadium with street food, drinks, souvenirs, etc. The nearby subway stations and bus stops would be jam packed with people mostly going to the stadium or for work, as if it was Busan's morning rush at its peak.

In the changing rooms below the stadium, The Seoul Baseball Team was getting dressed up in their baseball attire and bringing along with them their equipment. The batter sitting on the bench is still taking one last look at his own baseball bat, which he's been using since his high school days, and the pitcher looked at him and said to the batter.

"Yo, Hyun-sik, admiring the beauty of that bat of yours again ain't it?"
The pitcher said to Hyun-sik, giving a pat briefly to his left shoulder.

"Yeah, She's been with me ever since High School and we can do this in the finals."
The batter replied, caressing his own personal bat.

"Heh, It's like you've got a connection with that bat of yours and I won't lie. She ensured your success in this sport."
The pitcher commented about his seemingly never ending bond with his baseball bat as if it was integral to his baseball career.

Their brief conversation would, however, be abrupt by the Seoul Baseball Team's coach who entered the changing room and saw his team, who were confident and willing to give it their all for this match. The coach saw their enthusiasm and hoped that this enthusiasm they have would ensure they can win the baseball match. He then said to them,

"Alright team, gather 'round, will you?"
The coach said as the team would gather around their coach and they were about to listen to what their coach would say.

"Folks, we have come this far from Seoul, to Daegu, to Gwangju, to Ulsan, and now finally Busan. I'm proud of you guys and I like that kind of invigorating spirit. But this is the big game and everyone is watching us. So keep up that energizing spirit and motivation of yours and we can return home with a gold cup in our hands."

The team would have a look of confidence and motivation as their beloved coach gave a brief yet motivational speech. They then huddled together as a team, showing unity and brotherhood among themselves. As they were huddling, the ground shook violently suddenly, and they quickly went under the benches or sinks, as it is the only cover present in their changing room.

The shaking was violent like it measured at an approximate magnitude of 6 - 7 and they held on to cover so as not to get hit by debris.

While above them, people flee the stadium in a panic, leaving their seats behind and trying to go outside for safety. The quake caused the ceiling of the stadium to collapse partially. There were some of them who were getting out of the stadium, got a glimpse of a slowly emerging structure coming out in the middle of the baseball field and went to get their phones out and record the entire process as the ground shook the earth. They saw and recorded a huge pantheon resembling that of Ancient Greco-Roman Architecture. It emerged from the ground as if it was like an effect for a movie, and they were still wondering which production company handled this incredible effect.

One of them commented while he was recording this ordeal,
"What in the... Did some movie producer decide to elevate CGI to a whole new level...?"
He wondered if movie technology became this advanced. If it was, it would be a revolutionary feat, but sadly, it isn't because of limitations in technology.

"Did some bigshot from Hollywood sponsor this game?"
Another bystander said, cowering with the other people during the shaking.

Once the structure had fully emerged, the shaking stopped. The onlookers who stayed recording the ordeal, police officers, firefighters and paramedics assisting in the evacuation were also in awe, as the appearance of a huge pantheon is supernatural. Suddenly, they saw something coming out of the pantheon and they were a group of wyverns manned by what appeared to be people and if one has a good eye; it has animal ears which to them is very supernatural.

They were approximately the size of two squadrons and then, an army numbering around the thousands, emerged from the pantheon. It was a huge army, and they looked reminiscent of medieval European Armies. Police at the scene didn't know what was happening and one of them approached these 'actors'.

"Oi, what are you guys doing? Are you guys doing some kind of movie shoot?"
A police officer said, approaching a large army of these 'actors'.

The said army was silent and didn't understand the officer's questions until they shouted a war cry which scared those who were at the scene and the officer who was approaching them got shot dead by an arrow to the head. Those who witnessed it realized that something was wrong and attempted to escape, only to get shot by arrows that rendered them immobile or limped in pain.

Those who were lucky got into the lobby, and they warned about the impending doom, but it was too late. They broke through the doors and began killing everyone in sight, with some of them looting the corpses of those fallen. Police officers assisting in the evacuation shot back at the attackers, downing multiple soldiers with some wounded until their sheer numbers overwhelmed them. Mass panic ensued as crowds of people ran from all directions while police officers present held off their attack until their numerical superiority forced them to retreat.

While the soldiers attacked everything in sight, a man clad in full armor would go in front of the pile of cadavers and then said to them in a proud and loud voice. Fully armored knights accompanied him in black, implying they were his personal guard.

"I claim this land In the name of Empress Veronica of the Argenti Empire. Do not resist, for her stewardship will guide you to a greater life full of opportunity and good living."

The general looked at his surroundings, with most of them running away for their lives, knowing they were really that savage. But it impressed him with their alien architecture and pitied that their lack of security would bring an end to their architecture. The language he saw at banners intrigued him, as if they looked like scribbles of lines put together. He then focused on his efforts to take the city and then looked at his personal guards.

"Alright men, let us move out."
He said.

The general and his men moved out under the general's orders and their horses would trot, catching up with the Army. They were busy ransacking shops, residences, and a nearby elementary school, which they held the students and teachers in captivity. Even they got so far as to massacre the entire hospital, regardless of their occupations.

Busan, Republic of Korea
Geoje-dong, Yeonje-gu, Geoyejeog
April 7th, 2008

Hours after multiple calls from civilians and police officers for help, Busan Police mobilized all of its resources after hearing of a massive attack. A platoon of KNP SOU and Combat Police were guarding the intersection within proximity of the subway with help from nearby KNP Patrol Officers in the area. They blocked the roads with their police buses, to which the fleeing citizens and surviving officers were let in just as the Imperial Army was approaching. Combat Police donned their gear and formed a shield wall in front while those at the rear readied their pepper spray and batons for arrest.

The Combat Police saw the approaching medieval soldiers and braced themselves for a frontal charge. As they were getting near, the Combat Police stood their ground and stiffened up to maintain the solid shield wall. The first spears of the invading army pierced almost their shields. The officers then hit them with their batons in retaliation and they didn't even budge. Those who were behind the shield wall snatched multiple soldiers and subdued them with ease.

They fired tear gas from behind the buses, which drove away the attacking soldiers, giving the Combat Police time to reform and regroup. KNP SOU Officers, meanwhile, took up positions from the buildings and shot the attackers below them, inflicting substantial losses. There, the Imperial Army retreated, giving the Combat Police time to recuperate for now.

Busan, Republic of Korea
1001 Jungang-daero, Yeonje-gu, Busan Metropolitan City Hall
April 7th, 2008

The City Hall was full of police officers and KNP SOU operatives hastily fortified the entire city hall. Police Buses blocked streets leading up to the stadium where the attack began. Overseeing the defenses was the Police Commissioner Yoon Seok-yul and Busan Mayor Choi doo-Hwan. Both men were in their 50s and they didn't expect that an attack would come from a baseball stadium out of all places.

"Doo-hwan, have you notified Gimhae and Ulsan mayors of the attack?"
He asked.

"I did. They are blocking every road and railway network leading to Busan."

"Are they going to send reinforcements?"

"They will and will send additional Combat Police Units and KNP SOU Officers to the area."

"Damn it, we need more than just a big police response, mayor. We need to get the military to intervene!"

"I have notified the Blue House about this. I'm certain they'll send reinforcements to quell these 'knights' you talk about."

A war cry then sounded in the distance, notifying both of the men that the attackers were coming. Combat Police in Riot Gear and KNP SOU Officers take positions in choke points where the attackers would go through into a bottleneck.

"You've got to get out of here, Doo-hwan nim. I'll handle things from here."
The police commissioner said.

"Alright, I'll leave the defense of the City Hall to you."
doo-Hwan replied before saluting him as good luck for the defense.

They escorted the mayor out of the combat zone to which multiple KNP Officers accompanied him. He then boarded the car, escorted by several police vehicles to be evacuated to a naval base in Nam-gu.

As the convoy drove away from the battle zone, The Police were already battling the attackers and he saw a wyvern diving towards the police line which it breathed fire. It burned police officers in the line and retreated to the inner parts of the defensive line. The flying lizards were of prime concern as they didn't have the equipment even with SOU Officers to take down some of them.

Seoul, Republic of Korea
1 Cheongwadae-ro, Jongno-gu, The Blue House
April 7th, 2008

President Lee Myung-bak sat in his office drinking tea and reviewing the laws proposed and made by the National Assembly. He looked into these laws and how these laws would benefit the people of the Republic of Korea. Being recently elected, He has to make an achievement in his presidency to ensure his popularity.

The phone then rang while he was browsing through the laws. He picked up the phone and said to the caller,

"This is Lee Myung-bak speaking. Who am I speaking to?"

"This is Ulsan City Mayor Park Sang-ju, Busan is under attack..."
the mayor of Ulsan said to him.

"By whom?"

"We have medieval armies attacking the city and the Police are getting overrun. Busan's mayor has requested military intervention to repel the attack."

Lee Myung-bak got silent after hearing of Busan's attack. He didn't want to believe it, as there is no way a medieval army he mentioned would sneak into a metropolis with a heavy police presence. He reached for his remote and opened the television which Arirang News was now airing live about the Busan Attack. His few months into the presidency has an unknown group attacking the major port city, and he is not letting that happen. Even worse, the sight of a flying lizard is already a concern, and he has to act quickly before the city gets overrun.

"I'll send nearby military units in the area. Tell the Mayor of Busan to hold out. In the meantime, I'll dispatch an Airborne Brigade to buy time for reinforcements to arrive."

"Great, I'll notify Busan's mayor about this. How long will help arrive?"

"Estimated over two hours."

"Got it. I'll hang up now. Goodbye."

The city mayor of Ulsan hung up on the phone and the President, learning of the attack, immediately dialed the Minister of Defense. He knew that most of the ROK Army Units were stationed along the DMZ. It would take 4 hours, which won't be enough to relieve the Police battling the attackers. So his only option is to request help from USFK, which coincidentally, there is a Marine Regiment stationed in Busan Naval Base and a US Army Battalion that recently arrived from Camp Humphreys.

Busan, Republic of Korea
April 7th, 2008

It has been two hours since the attack and the Imperial Army forced the men in blue to retreat into the deeper parts of the city. The general has shown frustration, thinking that this would be a piece of cake since the city itself is undefended. Problems arise, however, as the tight corners of the city made it hard for the army to move in an organized manner, which made them vulnerable to harassment attacks by those said men in blue.

"Bah, this city is a fucking maze. Have our scouts figured out the layout of the city?"
The General asked his aide-de-camp.

"I think so sir, One of our scouts recovered a map which shows this city is called 'Boo-san'."

"Well? Have they figured where we are right now?"

"The language is very foreign here, sir. We don't know what these street names even mean."

"Goddamnit, the empress won't be happy about this if she hears that progress is slow as a snail."

As the army marched through the streets into the intersection, they confronted them again, but this time they differed from the men in blue and instead wore patterns. Their carriages blocked the road and a hail of light arrows met them as, one by one, their soldiers dropped 6ft to the ground and panic ensued in the General's Army.

"What in the fuck are these guys armed with?!"
He said in disbelief, seeing his men cut down by a few soldiers in the distance.

"I don't know, sir! But they used the same weapons like those men in blue."

Watching his men die from soldiers, He can't believe that these people can kill many soldiers without getting near them. The general got back to his senses and knowing this is a stinging defeat, it's better that he preserved his forces rather than get annihilated.

"Ah fuck it, retreat. I can't risk losing more soldiers."

The General ordered a retreat, and they were in a state of panic that the army was being disorganized. The sting of defeat soured him as the men in pattern clothing soundly defeated his army. Unknown to him, they confronted a US Marine Platoon and a ROKN UDT/SEAL Squad, which they act as a quick response unit to hold off the attacking forces.

As he returned to the main camp, which is the baseball stadium, the commanders also experienced the same thing their general had encountered. The men in patterned clothing stopped their attack dead in their tracks and they had to be on the defensive since this expeditionary force didn't have any reinforcements to receive.

"General, we must evacuate. We just took considerable losses and any offensive at this point would be a complete failure."
The commander pleaded.

"I agree, we have plenty of spoils to cover and it would sell a lot."

"What in the world are you people uttering about? Why should we retreat? We shall fight till the very end for our Empress."

"Indeed, If she learned that our expedition is a complete failure, We are going to be berated by that very Empress herself for our incompetence!"

The commanders of the armies bickered at each other arguing whether to retreat or hold their ground. They can all agree that they've got plenty of spoils from their offensive but, failing an expedition is one thing and the Empress would be enraged if she knew about this. The general then banged the table with his fist making everyone quiet.

"I understand all of your concerns, but we are taking quite a toll and we won't be receiving any reinforcements."

"But sir, if we lose our element of surprise, The enemy is surely going to show up in greater numbers."
A commander said in concern

"Greater numbers is one thing, But we have a warrior spirit and training. Those numbers will become redundant if we hold our positions well."

"That is brilliant sir. We shall get to work on the defenses."
The commander said before leaving the tent.

"Evacuate the wounded out of here and give them a leave. Get the spoils we have currently out of here too."

All commanders nodded a yes in reply and left their general alone for the upcoming battle and evacuation order

It was a unanimous decision. They were to defend till the last but it is for the best if they don't want to bring shame to the Empress. The general wondered what those weapons were as if they could spew lightning at a far range and kill as many soldiers as they could. Whatever the case, The enemy he is facing is a tough opponent and hopefully, there were just a few of these soldiers present other than the men in blue they encountered.

Just an hour later, Improvised barricades from baggage trains they brought with blocked every approach and multiple sentries are stationed to alert their allies for an attack. The wyvern groups were tasked to provide air cover for the troops below. Suddenly a whirring sound was heard and many were alerted as they ready themselves for combat. An explosion sounded from above and so is the sound of a burp. A wyvern then crashed down at their base and they were shocked to see that their wyvern, who were the cream of the crop of their Army, was shot down by an unknown object.

Three flying objects flew above them and many of the soldiers were flabbergasted by such appearance. Their officers tried shooting them down with bows and arrows but to no avail as they missed their shots. They then focus on the roads they've been assigned to defend. To everyone's shock, They've seen a steel behemoth accompanied by patterned soldiers but different from those they saw earlier. Their commanders immediately ordered a shield wall and then a boom resounded, sending those who were in the blast flying and causing morale to plummet significantly.

"What in Arya's Name are we fighting here?!"
A soldier said in fear.

"I don't know! We have to keep ourselves alive and hold on."
Another soldier replied.

"We can't, Our shields are useless and this is no battle... this is a massacre!"

The soldier threw away his equipment and ran away in fear but only to get shot dead by someone who they can't see. The soldiers panicked and most of them routed in a crowd heading towards the gate. The more they ran, the faster the otherworld armies encroached on them as they mercilessly killed their comrades in arms and were seemingly intent to take no one prisoner.

The general and his subordinate commanders watched as their men panicked in fear and desperation. They saw the reality of what was going on and he sounded the retreat which became disorganized. The disorganization of the retreat caused a bottleneck in the Gate and it took too long for most of his forces to get out before the otherworldly armies got inside and surrounded his beleaguered army.

Seeing no option of escape or any victory at all, The general ordered a surrender and so did his subordinates. The remains of his expeditionary Army were gone and no survivors would be recorded at the time of the battle. Only those who were wounded in the expedition were able to tell the tale of the Gate.

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